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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
1st clip – https://www.youtube.com/@MNDashcam
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational and funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 Not sure what other “mechanic” did this but the strut bearing plates could have been easily rotated to fit in the correct holes. Whoever did the work should not be touching vehicles as this is a fairly easy fix.
0:25 The Vehicle was sent to a body shop to fix the holes in the roof.
0:34 It looks like the customer fist did that damage.
0:43 If you drop a socket or tool while working on a car, try to look at it before putting things back together!
0:54 Easy fix!
1:03 The technician found the issue in the parking lot.
1:11 Easy fix at least!
1:22 The shop was confused by the customer would rebuild the transmission on a truck that needs a new frame/fixed.
1:33 No extra info.
1:45 A Subaru with an automatic transmission disguised as a manual.
1:51 The mechanic thinks it was actually the customer who did this.
2:02 The shop told the customer they would need to pay to have their vehicle diagnosed but she still tries.
2:09 Insurance wrote off the vehicle. Nissan Sentra.
2:23 A new gas cap was installed.
2:34 2012 Chrysler 300, came in about a noise in the front end, not the first time we’ve had this car in the shop previous times it came in with boiling coolant and a separated lower ball joint (declined repairs every time so far.)
2:50 The customer made a simple job a whole lot harder.
3:00 “A 2001 Buick Century, was changing the oil with my dad and tried ramps, I shot the ramps directly under the car and rolled up perfectly on them we had to use a jack to get it off them.”
3:10 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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The very last clip happened to me too with the passat i used to have, i was trying to change the oil in my garage but the garage floor was too slick for the metal ramps, the ramps shot under my car and bent the pinch welds and both rockers in the front, luckily that was the only thing that got damaged. I changed my oil a week later on my driveway where the concrete actually kept the ramps in place, that was a lesson learned.
Just incredible. And somewhat sad. Because in some of these instances, money is the issue. And too many people don’t have enough of it.
Doesn't auto zone and napa offer a free diagnostic if the check engine light is on?
I fucking HATE stupid people.
And the sock was supposed to do what exactly?
Where on Earth do you find a car hat rack?
How the heck do u lose the gas cap when u supposed to be at the pump pumping gas. Couldn't have gone too far unless they 500 lbs and can't reach down to get it
Just think –
Most of these people breed…
They have little offsprings that they not only guide and look after, but are lowering the intelligence gene pool in this world.
Just food for thought.
every time… how can people be ssoooooo stupid… and be allowed to drive a vehicle????
https://youtu.be/65f2xkwwmJ8?t=90 What frame?
I just had a plastic ramp do exactly that. I was just trying to get it up so I could more easily position a floor jack under it. It was on a asphalt driveway on a cold day. I think the asphalt was a little more slippery due to the cold temperature. I have a board under the jack and jack stand to protect the driveway.
I’m glad my shop charges $180 to diagnose malfunctions. No hard feelings when the customer declines.
The customer was told that the damege would not be covered under warranty and the customer was told to go fu@k himself.
The horn on the trailer wires was genius.
As a country, we are doomed.
Just remember that cheap labor isn’t quality work – – quality work isn’t cheap ….
The last clip reminds me of when my dad changing the oil in our cars before I bought him ramps. He'd just pick up some random boards we had lying around and try to drive the car over them but the boards would always shoot out from underneath the car the first 3 or 4 times he did it
Remember…these people can vote
That move with the ramps was actually pretty slick.
Been there done that with the ramps
I had to laugh hard at the last clip. Guilty – first time trying to get the Porsche on tire cradles for storage and shot them half way down the drive way.
… what kind of dumbass uses a sock instead of a gas cap? Customer turned that car into a molotov cocktail container
There is a seminar this month, how to contain yourself from reacting to Morons, dipwads, Obamites and lint lickers.
It’s amazing that some of these people can drive cars. I mean… with the water jug one, did they really not think to check the trunk????
2:34 If they keep coming in only to decline repairs… why do they keep coming in?
That shift boot is genius! Good anti theft device nowdays. Not many folks try and steal standards.
I have those exact same ramps. However, I use them on my paved driveway where there is much more friction/grip than a polished garage floor.
So many subarus in this video…warms my heart lmao
Front wheel drive on ramps is a classic
"Another mechanic." ie: DIY Fail.
But look at all the money you saved!!!

Psssh…that last one was fire! Quickest way ever to move ramps from the front to the back.
I wish these people fell under fmscr's and could be placed out of service indefinitely for being dumb as F.
The point of this video is the customer is really, really stupid.
That screen wasn't scratched. It was FISTED!
Some people are under the impression that when they pull up that they become the center of attention. Unfortunately most shops don't have a wait n see technician. A person that does no work all day to be readily available for a spur of the moment customer doesn't pay well.