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Welcome to Just Rolled In!

For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:–fQFarLJA


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational and funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 The smoke was after a connecting rod went through the engine block. The customer never topped up the engine oil after they left. The car had an oil leak and some other issues that were previously declined.
0:23 IC Corp CE300 School bus.
0:34 Fuel tank return line was connected to the vent on the rear differential. The rear differential had to be rebuilt.
0:50 Floormat over accelerator pedal. Usually happens after a customer cleans/details their vehicle.
1:02 The pink fuzzy shifter cover would depress the button on the shifter
so the transmission never thought the vehicle was in PARK as the button was pressed in.
1:16 Another one! Now this time due to a piece of candy.
1:25 Bleeder screw needs to be at the top of the brake caliper so you can properly bleed the air out of the brake system. Also weird how there’s only 1 red brake caliper.
1:42 Caliper bracket bolts were left loose.
1:54 Hopefully the customer ends up purchasing new tires very soon!
2:07 Hairbrush in the way of the shifter.
2:21 Jug of coolant leaking down the fresh air inlet onto the passenger side floor.
2:31 The technician said the car had a severely cracked tail light housing that allowed all of this water to link inside the car over time. He was surprised there was no mention from the customer.
2:43 On certain Toyota models the rear window can go up and down. In this case, if the rear window is not fully up the rear wipers, washer nozzle, and rear defrost won’t work. When the window is fully up, everything works.
2:59 The customer took a lot more apart than what was needed. The shop did not want to be “married” to this mess.
3:09 Some oily rags were left in the garbage bin. Why it’s important to never weld near a garbage can and to always have lids on them in the shop. Also to have a container only for rags.
3:19 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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24 thoughts on “Customer States He Declined Repairs, Now Engine Is Knocking

  1. I just don't understand how some people are so unable to understand cause and effect. Like.. how TF does it not cross their minds that their car worked before they put something on the gear shifter, but as soon as they did it no longer works? I feel like anyone with that little grasp on how things work should have their license revoked. It's amazing they know to press the brake to stop and don't just assume the car knows to stop when the light turns red

  2. Used to be surprised at these videos, especially with the geniuses that block their shifters and can't tell they have done so. Not anymore. I see these morons on the road every single day. The ones that switch lanes with no warning, drive down the road reading their texts, not knowing when it is their turn to go at an intersection, tailgate me in heavy traffic at 70 mph.

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