DeRay defines his patented “DeRay Ways” on dating, clubbing, and funerals.
Original airdate: February 24, 2006
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Lov u

The mental image he evoked when talking about his corpse being stood up bug eyed and pointing as people enter the door to his funeral made me laugh so hard i had to back up the video because i missed the next joke

deray never fails to bring that lose-ur-breath laughter!
DeRay looking like he bouta ask you "Do you want a square or a round back ????"
I just found DeRay and he's hysterical! Gorgeous too.
Heard the first joke and wasnt into it….. sorry, but Deray's usually funny as hell
I love Deray !!!
Wow don't wr jave enough against us
This dude cuts close
On a side note those suicide jokes. I hope he’s okay, I know he’s super funny but like I hope bro is okay, sometimes people make jokes of stuff they mentally go through to just feel better because it still may linger onto their life till today fr
DeRay fell off imo, I had a few giggles but he was reaching. Some of the material was borrowed. Also the suicide bit was in bad taste, and I feel like he only did it cause Sydney did a bit and it made some headlines. Very little crowd work or engagement.
Had a buncha players tell me that same advice about when you start relationships and having the 2 phones one you never let her see, etc… and I always end up thinking, I dont live for women like that, Im not changing my habits to plan ahead to cheat, Im not changing anything to keep her in the first place… maybe thats why Im alone tho.. lol
I think his cute face adds alot to his jokes.
I just canceled grub hub because a lil black dude delivered my food
LMAO – Black Valet

crazy bastard lol " I tried to smother myself, but I couldn't breath!!!"
You know he ain’t that funny when he getting roasted on wild n out
Bro is a professional comedy show host
imagine being only just funny enough to professionally host funny comedians
Chi Town!
Lmmfao that works

Hell nah… somebody need to check on DeRay! His jokes were so sad and grim. He looked sad AF, maybe a cry for help. ???

very educational sir! men all over should watch this!!!!!
Parts of this feels like it didn’t age well.
so fine
Yo how old is the video? He talking bout running out of cell phone minutes

That shower joke .. sounds fncking familiar
What's the name of the MUSIC at the END of the standup ?
His did they call

Lolololol..hell naw
Seriously they crazy
“I Got Six Sisters”
Is he throwing GD walking on the stage
one of my top comedians
Who said dray ain’t funny
DeRay got a whole mouth full of baby teeth!
16:08 just tell her 6am.

5:32 i watched a squirrel
(a babyish one) run in front of my truck with a another squirrel
… and the babyish one literally throws his arms up, crossed, to cover his head as he scrunches his eyes & #flinches in anticipation of impact
as I roll closer (I was watching it to make sure swerved over it 

). But it flinched like it saw it's life ending 

Hey DeRay Davis you are so funny with that old tired "hey Miss Lady!" LOLOLOLOLOL! AMEN
The funniest scenes in Reno 911 are the ones with Deray Davis. Always so damn funny.
This is old
I am not from Usa but that guy is hılarıous. I really laughed the jokes. He knows how to do jokes about relatıonshıps