Luke Caverns is an anthropologist who explores the lost civilizations of the Amazon & Central America.
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0:00 – Luke’s family gold mines
9:57 – Luke’s view on the Pyramids of Egypt
13:29 – Controversy over first pyramid build in Egypt
16:33 – Dating of the Sphinx – Dr Robert Schoch
25:43 – Cedars of Lebanon in Bent Pyramid
35:18 – Pyramids in Mexico & South America; Anti-seismic ancient structures
46:46 – Stone scoop marks; evidence of acid used to FUSE stones together
54:13 – Viracochea, The “Fanged Diety”
1:05:11 – Mysteries of the Olmecs – moving 40 ton stones
1:20:03 – Ancient cultures connection to psychedelics, music, & the Spiritual Realm
1:27:33 – 30,000 BC Amazon Caves
1:31:11 – Percy Fawcett’s expidetion to find lost city in the Amazon
1:35:35 – Pre-Younger Dryas Structers & Unusual Precision
1:40:45 – Solid Block Myan Stonemanship
1:48:06 – The lost Mayan city of Palenque; Lost Mayan Atlantis
1:55:31 – Deadliest animals in Mesoamerica & Amazon
2:13:30 – Could Ancient Egypt and Mesomericans Communicated?
2:22:46 – Maya Library of Codex Destroyed
2:34:36 – Ancient lost cities & pyramids just discovered using lidar scans of uncharted jungles
2:44:34 – The ancient Maya city of Yaxchilán
3:00:42 – Cartels in Mexico & the Amazon
3:12:09 – What it’s like exploring uncharted jungles alone
3:16:23 – 2024 Open Expedition Uncharted Ruins
3:20:58 – Mayan Jaguar Death Whistle
About Post Author
Danny Jones
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41 thoughts on “Lost ‘Mayan Atlantis’ Just Discovered in Central American Jungle | Luke Caverns”
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0:00 – Luke’s family gold mines
9:57 – Luke's view on the Pyramids of Egypt
13:29 – Controversy over first pyramid build in Egypt
16:33 – Dating of the Sphinx – Dr Robert Schoch
25:43 – Cedars of Lebanon in Bent Pyramid
35:18 – Pyramids in Mexico & South America; Anti-seismic ancient structures
46:46 – Stone scoop marks; evidence of acid used to FUSE stones together
54:13 – Viracochea, The "Fanged Diety"
1:05:11 – Mysteries of the Olmecs – moving 40 ton stones
1:20:03 – Ancient cultures connection to psychedelics, music, & the Spiritual Realm
1:27:33 – 30,000 BC Amazon Caves
1:31:11 – Percy Fawcett's expidetion to find lost city in the Amazon
1:35:35 – Pre-Younger Dryas Structers & Unusual Precision
1:40:45 – Solid Block Myan Stonemanship
1:48:06 – The lost Mayan city of Palenque; Lost Mayan Atlantis
1:55:31 – Deadliest animals in Mesoamerica & Amazon
2:13:30 – Could Ancient Egypt and Mesomericans Communicated?
2:22:46 – Maya Library of Codex Destroyed
2:34:36 – Ancient lost cities & pyramids just discovered using lidar scans of uncharted jungles
2:44:34 – The ancient Maya city of Yaxchilán
3:00:42 – Cartels in Mexico & the Amazon
3:12:09 – What it's like exploring uncharted jungles alone
3:16:23 – 2024 Open Expedition Uncharted Ruins
3:20:58 – Mayan Jaguar Death Whistle
Feels like he doesn't understand reality, didn't like this guy
I've listened to hundreds if not thousands of hours of podcasts, and this was by far the best one I've listened to. Thank you for your work, brotha.
Luke needs to learn how to finish a sentence or at least a thought
Why doesn't Bill Gates or Elon Musk fund an expedition? It would cost them pocket change
Fabulous Presentation of so much knowledge of ancient civilizations – so much to learn. Luke Caverns is amazing!!
Danny , this is an excellent cast with Luke. Be lookin forward to more of his adventures

Thanks guys ,really enjoyed it!
Limestone hardness 3-4
Silica Sand hardness 5-6
The saws used silica sand and abrasion to cut through the limestone. No laser beams or aliens needed. Just time and effort like anything else worthwhile in life
Face it. No Atlantis. So much cope.
Supposedly the Maya built lots of big roads
Wasnt Erich von Däniken talking about the whole jungle of peru is understructured
This was one of the most captivating, informative, adventurous conversations I have ever listened to
Sound is the conveyor of weight and mass
Take a breath dude. Rest your neck.
So he's completely ruled out the possibility that someone built it and over thousands of years others used it and the relative dating of objects and art is of the last inhabitants, not the original builders.
Luke, you are completely parroting a story about a son that wanted to make a better pyramid than the bent pyramid.
which means 100 !
When Robert Edward grant has Proved
That the bent pyramid was designed with every other pyramid to express all the harmonic relationships or gods finger prints.
All as One project.
Get your head out of your bum and respect the work of your Wise elder Robert Grant and revise your understanding.
Hi Luke, Robert Edward grant (using megatrons cube)has proved the pyramids were built planned and designed as One project. As every pyramid corresponds to the intervals in the music scale. The bent pyramid is part of the scale.
Also the destroyed pyramids that has a 60° and 67° slope angles, at Abu ruash in view of Giza pyramids.
Robert Edward grant has opened the gate.
Resistance is now willful.
Your teachers were wrong. The books were wrong.
It's one project designed and planned before a stone was ever layed.
They found shells sea shells at the top of mount Everest,the floor covered all land mountains All ,
What if they buried the sphinx. And pissed and shit on it amd that eroded it faster?
This guy is a moron sounds like mainstream egyptologists
"Im not sure, I don't know, I think", This guy watched youtube for a month then was invited? The guy said nothing new at all. There are archeologist on youtube that have way more info on everything he talked about and more updated stuff.
This guy says "I think" and "I don't think" way too much. He also says "I've never been, but I've used Google Maps and Maps" to argue against people who have been and have way better evidence than what I'm hearing in the first 30 minutes. Don't think I'm going to make it through this one.
dude's got an indiana jones jacket f yeah bro
African bees are not docile. Which is why they were chosen as part of this hybrid species. The strong defensive character and mass swarming is what the American Honey Bees lacked.
2:33:30 – look at the modern-day world we have, such amazing inventions and creations… And most of us would never be able to recreate a single one of them should society fall all of the sudden. Some great creators make something, life gets easier, gets a little too easy, something bad happens, everything is lost.
2:14:00 – there were mummies in Egypt that were tested and had cocaine and tobacco in their hair follicles, something not believes to be in that region until much much later… Also in the Grand canyon there are Egyptian markings in ancient Navajo or some other tribe caves. If there was ever anything that you could call Atlantis, an ancient civilization on the Atlantic Ocean, especially pre younger drius when the coastlines were lower and there would be much more safe travel from country to country and continent to continent… It's likely that there would have been some kind of moving around around the world… Like at Easter Island for example.
Zahi won't debate because it's to ridiculous, to much evidence is ignored for high tech, this high tech movement need to stop, discredit all civilizations and give credit to one that has zero evidence come on people, we have worked with stone for hundreds of thousands of years, if you can't comprehend that we could do this then you have no clue to and research done
Tlaloc is the fanged deity
I'm pretty sure that Ben et al think there are artifacts that he Egyptians didnt make but believe they built the pyramids but I could be wrong
Here's how they built the pyramids, thousands of low paid and slave labor workers. They brought in the blocks on boat, as there as water access and some boats have been found in the area. They used ramps. Let's not underestimate what 10k 's of people can do.
Wearing a leather jacket inside, for this long, is weird. Cant get over it. But the conversation was great.
Plato said atlantis tried to conquer Athens Greece, so it was around when greece was? And if they were so advance why couldn't they do it….
Idk why people think the olmecs where black. They absolutely look Asian Pacific Islanders. If your go and see the actual heads and baby figures they made
This guy is a arm chair archeologist check out Google he says never been to any sites he is full of BS
I recently found Maze Stone randomly on google maps working in Hemet one day.
There is a giant mound and a very rocky pyramid shaped mountain in alignment with it.
All earthly god's where fallen angels what the book of Enoch tells us about, which got taken out the bible.
1:07:00 I mean didn't they have elephants around this time? We've tamed elephants even in the modern but the only way to move something like that is obviously like he said not through River but it had to have been put on maybe a rock based trailer and then put another rock on top of it. Had the elephants or animals tow it and then when they got to the spot use that big rock that they brought and disassemble the trailer and use those rocks. That would also explain why they always have these flat long rocks. It would be the base of the trailer and then something on top of it. Or even just turn the rock itself into a trailer and somehow attach wheels to the rock without even having to lift the rock. It could have been something that elephants or whatever lifted one side of the rock and they were able to do what they needed to do and then they lifted the other side of the rock and did what they needed to do to attach wheels or something of the sort. And then off they go.
people are going to be after this guys knowledge, of these mines