Are You Garbage Live show! Stand up comedians Kevin Ryan and H Foley play Are You Garbage with the crowd. A little AYG …
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Great clip!

Is it garbage if the first phone numbers you memorized were for multiple local bars, so you can find your dad?
Asking for a friend of course
Are you garbage if you cant spell "Buick"?
“Have you ever been in the car when your parents have gotten a DUI” probably one of the best AYG questions ever.
Foley and Kippy's weight is reaching a worrisome equilibrium
Come to Toronto
That dude's dad was a recognizable booze hound that the cops has suspicion he would drunk drive so they set up a trap for him that he of course failed. That's *KJ**bonkos**/KJ*
In the Honor of Mother's Day, I'll tell my Mom's Police Encounter with me in the car.
Mom has always been a Leadfoot. We were in her 1967 Pontiac Le Mans. Mom was close to triple digits on Route 72, Exit 63 off the GSP for you Jersey Folks. She didn't see Officer Friendly, as we flew past him. His lights flashing, he gave chase. Pulled us over. Mom prepped. This was back in the 70's Miniskirt Time. She hiked her skirt up a bit, and unbuttoned her blouse a bit much.
Johnny Law comes to the window.
Gets an eyeful, and asks do you know how fast you were going? Officer, my son is sick, she turns at me with a Mom Face, and on cue I start coughing. He looked at me, looked at her up & down, and told her to slow down, and get the boy home safe. He walked away. No ticket, or impounding the car.
It wasn't Mom's first Rodeo. She'd done this a few times.
Fan-fucking-tastic as per usual fellas, hats off
my friend used to drive his garbage drunk father home at 12 years old. real piece of work that guy is.
I was at this show…. lots of glasses broken that night.
You ever get arrested for unlicensed operation and when your mom comes to bail you out, the cops tell her to call you’s a cab because her license is also suspended? Hers for DWI, my license was suspended for unpaid odd/even parking tickets that she threw out and I never knew about
1) That’s an all timer question
2) Foley looks like he’s been hitting the gym!
His dad is a hero hahaha…. I gotta get these goddamn kids to school
My favorite question that night was the last one that closed the show. If you know you know.

I don't give a fuck about the Louisiana purchase, I got no dad right now!!!
Same situation, sister drive us home dad spent the night in the joint.

The only thing I can think of that's more garbage than that. My friend's father got arrested for possession of meth, as his kids school bus rolled by he yelled to his daughter to call mom and bail him out. She was like ok!
When is AYG coming to DFW?
we all know foley slams 2 douple wrapped burritos when no one is looking but i wont say anything
Damn I wanna see a show, might have to fly to Toronto if you ever do a show there. Newfoundland can be pretty trashy though!
Youse guys were awesome. Wedding day drunk tank was good too. I didn't know we had so much trash in Denver!
I was sitting next to the girl who was clapping like the price is right. I knew this was going on the youtubes as it was going on. Great show guys!
My dad hit the 3fer. I just got my first, hope I made you proud pop
In my head I said “Buick lesabre”. Do I know my tresh or what
I know I'm trash and another question I answered yes to. Definitely was in the car when Pops got a dui Tough look
The legend of SEXTINDER.Uno snowquen's is my idol. Hes the person I aspirej to be, hes my light of day ..QQQQ
0:10 KJ out here with the drunk uncle ready to hold court stance
A cop pulled us over on the way home from Sunday breakfast at the eagles, he first accused my dad of drinking and then asked all four of us kids if we were okay and if he was actually my father, I've never seen his face turn that red that fast.He went off on the officer!
Used to have a 10th grade math teacher/football coach that loved hittin on the highschool girls and had to ride a 10 speed cuz of a DUI. Is that garbage?
With this story I feel as if it’s cheating to say how trash he is. I think I have a new winner for the trashiest story

can you ask foley whats that binny brand is?
The most offensive and egregious element to this dude's life, according to Foley, was that Chipotle was his favorite fast food place. "Shitty credit, cool. Dad with multiple early morning DUIs, check…… Chipotle?! Securrrrity!!"
Patron saint of AYG is Aunt Tuddy. let us pray for her Devotes, drunk Dads all across the world.
God we ask you to forgive these poor bastards for they know not what they do, we ask you to cleanse the pizza and vomit stains on their shirts; Amen.

Been waiting on a new live Clip boys!! … Foley looks like he works at a Pawnshop that doubles as a Headshop while Kippy in that jacket looks like he rolls his own cigarettes while practicing his own stunts for the independent jackass inspired film he has yet to release. Don't delete me YouTube!!
Both my parents got hooked up after being pulled over for possession. No not weed. Dope. I was 8.
I love how everyone turns on him as soon as he says Chipotle