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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 The technician said he was not told which tow truck company apparently did this. The quote was given to the customer and no new information has come up yet. Not sure if the customer actually caused the damage or if it was actually done by the tow truck company.
0:19 Fiat (didn’t mention the model). The oil was drained and filled with the appropriate amount. Must have cost the customer a lot of money in engine oil!
0:30 As mentioned it’s the 2nd time the customer has done this to his pickup truck! An expensive mistake and hopefully he won’t do this a 3rd time.
0:52 The customer wants to pay the shop any time needed to get this started. Since the video was taken the shop got the 2015 Corvette started (issue with some modules). The car is going to need a lot more work however as any flood-damaged vehicle is a nightmare.
1:09 OBD 2 connector had to be replaced. The insurance module is most likely to track the customer’s driving habits. Insurance companies will offer a lower insurance rate if they can track your driving habits/watch if you’re speeding or not, etc.
1:23 It looks like the customer sunk their Sea-Doo. Would not be surprised if water got into the engine as well.
1:33 The technician said the engine had a pretty bad rattle as well (timing chains – common issue) and the coolant leak was from the water pump.
1:42 The boost pipe needs to be removed to give easier access to the fuel filter. When the customer re-installed it after replacing the fuel filter, the seal rolled and then got sucked into the turbo and damaged it. An expensive mistake!
1:58 Hours later, and all of it was removed.
2:10 A filthy garbage truck full of garbage that this mechanic had to work on.
2:18 The customer tried to get his insurance company involved to pay for damages but they said no.
2:32 No extra info.
2:42 Hopefully the customer didn’t run the engine for long without it reading no oil pressure as it might need to be replaced now.
2:53 A customer’s car with almost everything in the engine bay spray painted the same colour. Might be easy to find an oil leak at least!
3:07 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Have a great weekend! Submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Never underestimate the stupidity of consumers.
Did the driver wrap the winch cable around the entire front of the car??
1:18 that's an odb cover, it has to be removed to plug in anything.
I truly feel for people that dont know how to work on their cars, it must be awful being at the mercy of a mechanic,a couple of weeks ago my car threw the serpentine belt,i could actually hear it getting shredded under the hood, even though my car had never done this before i knew exactly what was happening,i was able to pull over about a half a mile from a part store, walked over there, bought a belt, borrowed some tools and in about a hour i was back on the road.
The sad thing about our current state of affairs is that pretty soon even guys like us that know how to do this will ALSO be at the mercy of a mechanic considering how complicated cars are getting, back in the mid 80s when most cars went to fuel injection carbed folks were horrified about it and said what i just did however that was just hysteria back then,today its VERY REAL and zero hysteria, very very complicated.
a while ago, this guy claimed his son worked on a vehicle, but couldn't get it running. hubby agreed to look at it and it was towed in… he popped the hood, well, the engine was secured, but pretty much dismantled… kinda reminded me of that vette. it wasn't a job we took on. the dad had no idea the state of it, from what i remember he was pissed.
A red theme at the end.
Now its official, no alien life forms visits for the next 500 years. Jesus will not attend second coming either for the same 500. People are fkngdmb.
"tow truck driver" stands for "my buddy who wrapped a chain around the bumper and up through the engine bay and gunned it in his 2002 Ram 3500"
Whenever I watch this channel I don't feel so stupid anymore
Serious question on 2.
What was in the truck that caused so many maggots? There’s no way it was a single dead animal or something; the entire surface area of the bugs were covered and falling from every possible angle.
What would happen if you were to completely paint your engine?
Imagine buying a Corvette because it has a salvage title and flood damage just to show off. How stupid are you
Love the channel. Its nice to see you get the subscriber count increase you deserve.
customer states…. im a moron
Had a good chuckle at the baby bath.
The scary part is that all these idiots are driving 70+ mph next to you and your family on the freeway. This puts into perspective how truly dumb the average person is. Be safe out there because odds are the person next to you does not give af lol.
Thank you for the bug warning! I wish more people would give a heads up like that. You rock! Thanks for another entertaining video!
People are idiots
I dont understand how peiple can mess up an oil change so bad.
Same voting power as you.
> bug warning: wow People are too easly tiggered.
> bugs being shown: holy shit thats lots of bugs…
Just fix it and shut the fuck up.
All those Marlboro points
Embarrassing 1st world
I could smell that car with all the cigarette packs on it.
Forgive my ignorance but as an English man living in Poland, how do you manage to shoot through the floor of your truck?
finally! a vehicle where the fix that i can recommend is
"bring a chicken, or several chickens.
99.9% and maybe even more often the damage is not from the tow truck driver. They usually take care of your baby unless they just cant like if it is upside down….in a river…
Retards with no brain Just Rolled In!…. should be the title!
I watch these and the ONLY conclusion I come to is: drugs are bad, mmkay.
stupidity of americans is unlimited
I'm just baffled by the last clip.
Spray paint the top everything under the hood…WHY?
I just love IDIOTS with guns!
2:32 Bro. 1.) Maybe talk to a doctor about your stress levels 2.) Trash bags aren't that expensive.
the guy with the recurring transmission, needs to pay the stupid tax!
I don’t understand how people can’t do basic maintenance on their car. I knew humanity was stupid. But damn.
Also, what’s with people being pigs? I can’t imagine having a dirty car.
How the heck do you remove the wrong drain plug (trans pan) and burn up your transmission TWICE?! I would think you would have learned the first time, or have the knowledge to know which is which before you pull the plug.
Hey @justrolledin what's going on with the Toyota at @0:35?
My clip at 1:24! What we found was the carbon seal for the output shaft from the engine to the jet pump was cracked due to vibration from the impeller starting to come loose. My co worker who was working on it eventually got it to start and less than a minute later it shredded the plastic wear ring in the jet pump.
That poor Tacoma…
2:57 If you can install the oil pickup tube upside down, that's bad engineering.
People like them don’t deserve vehicles they need to ride a bicycle or ride the bus. I can see why we lost so many old good vehicles in california otherwise we still have a lot on the roads still a lot of old cars