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Welcome to Just Rolled In!

For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 Since the vehicle is so new, the customer could have had it towed to the shop for free, which would have been less work.
0:18 The work order on the top left shows the customer’s complaint.
0:29 Apple in door pocket moving around causing the customer’s complaint.
0:37 The technician pressed the button which unfolded the mirrors. Why reading your owner’s manual is important! Also if you buy a brand-new vehicle get the salesperson to go over the features and functions with you.
0:47 The customer’s vehicle has an ignition interlock device (needed usually after receiving a DUI), but has bottles of beer in the centre console.
0:58 “They put enough water in the front seat that it filled up the spare wheel well.” The technician did not mention what he exactly found.
1:06 The customer’s insurance company came to look at the vehicle and it was deemed a write-off.
1:15 No extra info.
1:25 The customer used paper and tape to try and “make” headlights. The paper looks burnt, they should have used aluminium foil at least! Hope they get that fixed soon.
1:31 No extra info.
1:42 I believe this Jeep have an electric parking brake, so the brake system has to be put in service mode in order to remove and re-install the brake calipers correctly. Why it’s important once again to read the owner’s manual and or look online.
1:56 A/C condenser drain line was plugged.
2:07 A simple issue caused a very expensive mistake for the customer!
2:21 No extra info.
2:34 No extra info.
2:45 Wheel and tire were replaced.
2:52 Shared by a viewer who saw this on the road. Not sure of the exact issue, but possibly caused by a bad shock.
2:59 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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49 thoughts on “Customer States Parking Brake Seized & He Took It Apart

  1. I was driving to the dealership one day, and I was behind this older guy who kept cutting people off and such. He pulled into the dealership ahead of me, and heard him say his mirrors were folded in and he couldn't get them back out. The eservice manager reached in and hit the button and they unfolded. The guy had no idea that they did that.

  2. Does America not have an annual inspection like an MOT? This prevents even the most moronic car owners putting everyone else at risk…

  3. When do vehicles with power lift gates have a "Power Lift Gate knob". I mean power folding mirrors, seats, etc I get you gotta be kinda dumb to miss those but this is the FIRST time Ive seen a power lift gate knob. Talk about over complicating things.

  4. vehicle licensing needs to be more strict. Maybe make it where only manuals can be licensed, and then make diver-less cars more available to those who can not pass a stricter test rowing their own.

  5. There’s a national shortage of technicians. I believe these videos explain why…
    Sorry boss, just can’t do it, I’ll try my luck working at the post office instead. 😂

  6. I hate that cars are smarter because people are dumber.

    I was a tech for a long time and finally had to step away when I was sued for offering a free oil change on a car that was 6k over its window sticker. The customer said I invaded their privacy by looking at the window sticker during an alignment and also stated I drained their oil because the engine seized 1,800 miles later, this was on a car that was 20+ years old and had a lot of issues.

  7. The bigger problem is these people continue to exist and have kids and they exist and we cant remove them from the gene pool

  8. best one i ever had was a 450 sel 6.9 with stering locking up after a left turn [woudnt self center] actially did if one fef the steering back to center slowly.

    what had really happened?

    someone had rebuild the steering box to the customer , but misplaces a ball bearing in the recirculating worm/ screw assembly.

    the free ballbearinf acted liek a one wway clutch it after a turn the steering was retruned to center too quickly.

    that was a very lucky escape that no accident ocurred, u had to intuatively rurn in again if a lock up ocurred than center more slowly.

    but after the free ball bearing was put where it was supposed to be all was fine.

  9. Amazing how many of these things could be solved if the owners would simply look at the manual! And these days if you don't have a printed one you can get a pdf online! If stupid people were not allowed to drive there would be half as many cars on the road.

  10. "Parking brake motor" should NEVER BE A THING YOU SAY OR TALK ABOUT WITH CARS!!! I had to drive a rental for a week and it almost killed me twice because it wouldn't release for some reason, AFTER I had already pulled over half my vehicle into the road with 60mph traffic coming, so sketchy and unreliable. I don't know how they're allowed to produce ELECTRIC steering, or brakes, or things that might fail or not work for no reason randomly.

  11. Recently I've worked on my car truck. I changed the oil, transmission fluid(no dipstick on my tundra), spake plugs, brake pads, air filter and throttle body. And a couple of years ago my cousin showed me how to replace the wheel hub on my brother's car. 😅I'm trying to learn more, I like doing the work myself. And yes I've made a few mistakes, like not noticing the oil filter came with 2 gaskets, one already on it, and I put on another one and it caused a leak. And I didn't seal the transmission gasket properly on my car and had to order another one. But I've learned from my mistakes. And I've yet to do anything crazy like in these videos.

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