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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 The engine will have to be replaced once again. They think the engine was at an air-fuel ratio of 19-20 which is very lean!
0:21 When you buy new windshield wipers, these protective covers are on most wiper blades. The customer never removed them.
0:27 The shop advised the customer to go see a body shop to get the roof repaired and have the antenna reinstalled.
0:39 As mentioned the “brake fluid leak” was automatic transmission fluid leaking from a bottle.
1:02 The steering wheel was dirty and had to be cleaned.
1:11 No extra info.
1:22 It’s an 8-speed automatic transmission fluid (Chrysler) and the customer put ATF-4 back in, which it does not require. So the check engine light came on as numerous DTCs (diagnostic trouble codes) were set for the transmission. Oil was leaking everywhere as well.
1:37 The technician said it was actually in for a suspension noise/concern, but he could not find it or diagnose the issue until he removed the watermelon as it was so loud.
1:51 If the vehicle comes back to the shop, I’ll give an update on what they find!
2:02 Happened in the UK. No extra information.
2:12 Hopefully they get new tires soon so it does not cause further a lot of damage like the photo previously shown.
2:24 Customer is trying to get the insurance company to cover the costs of damages. (Just happened)
2.39 The battery hold-down was left loose and touched the positive battery terminal.
2:49 “That was an old Mercedez-Benz s600 that had multiple control unit issues… but far as the battery, I believe it was shorted internally… jumped backwards* the charging system was 14.3V to the battery if I remember right.”
3:00 No extra info. But a very weird find!
3:12 1964 VW Bug. Still has the 6v electrical system!
3:25 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hope everyone has a great week and thanks for watching!
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can't really judge on the last one as we've all bean there.
I had a power steering fluid leak from inside the cab of my truck once. I found the punctured bottle myself though.
I expect the food in the engine bay was a test to detect car repair scams.
That last one…was the customer trying to cook the beans with the radiator fluid? Was he trying to make a bean sandwich?
"The problem with your car is simple …"
"Close …"
The beans in the radiator just caught me off guard, I havn't laughed like that in months
People are beyond stupid
those poor carbon fiber wheels! that set, without rubber, is like $10,000.
Typical mustang drivers
so we went from cat theft to def tank theft?
Society has gotten so dumb and helpless people really dont know how to do anything or even take 2 seconds and LOOK
Mental health, serious issue lately
That was a really nice bug.
1:10 how can he even refuse that uh? Why the f would you let him drive like that? Man goddamn hillbilly trash.
Goodness sakes some people are completely clueless!
Average people there are actually fools
Melted steering wheel almost got me scared till i saw it wasnt mine. I got mine warrantied
23 corolla. Think i used the wrong stuff to clean it 
Nice clean classic Volkswagen.
I get the feeling the beans in the radiator might have been a misguided attempt at trying to fix a radiator leak. People have said to put peppercorns in the radiators to fix leaks, and this person might have somehow misunderstood that, leading to beans. Mind you, this is me being very generous.
People that decline new tires on there car are probably behind on there car payments too since they bought a car that they could't afford in the first place.
As an old car mechanic once told me, if you don't know what your doing. Bring it to the shop or call for help, fixing it yourself will just make it worse.
Customers can be idiots sometimes heck if I’m working on your car but you tried your repairs but failed I’m charging $150 an hour
Poor GT500.
The satisfaction of the tire exploding after they refused repair warms my heart
Beans in the radiator, thats definitely a first…
That gt500
I've seen that plastic cover still on the wipers a few times.
Typical mustang drivers!!! Just flat-out destroying their cars!!! Man why do mustangs attract the dumbest people?!?!
LS that VW