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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 Dodge Challenger. This is one of the most random things we have seen on the channel!
0:23 Power steering leak, numerous other leaks and a ton of other issues this van had. But it should definitely be taken off of the roads with the condition of the frame etc. “Noticed that he’s replaced one of the idler arms and had to weld it to the frame but in the wrong location causing the tierod to hit the idler bolt. he is about to take a trip to Florida in it as he does every month.”
0:44 As mentioned the Dodge Charger had a ton of issues that the customer did not want fixed so the shop refused to do any work as they wanted it fixed properly. Also that is a huge spot cut out of the hood that was also done by the customer.
1:07 1960’s Volvo (did not get more info). First time ever seeing this on the channel! This is why it’s very important to get an inspection done before purchasing a vehicle, and even try driving it!
1:28 The customer had a back-up alarm that sounds like dog’s barking.
1:33 The technician lifted up the vehicle to clean off all of the fuel that leaked out of the jerry can and to see if the customer ran off anything as he thought he might have when he swerved the debris on the road.
1:41 The technician said the smell was so strong he’s surprised the customer could not tell where the smell was coming from.
1:50 The customer did not put the dipstick back in hole/dipstick tube, so oil shot out and caused the leak. Easy fix!
2:05 No extra info.
2:15 The technician thinks that the customer was trying to work on the rear brakes but did not want to admit it in hops to get it covered under warranty or goodwill.
2:24 No extra info.
2:34 The technician did not mention what made that sound.
2:40 Wrong spot for the cabin air filter!
2:48 Always be careful where you secure/drill to when you’re underneath a car.
2:55 1969 AMC AMX 343ci Automatic transmission.
3:08 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! Have a great weekend everybody and thanks for watching.
Submit your clips/photo at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Now I see why there are car parts flying off in US dashcam videos.
I was a ase certified auto mechanic for 30 years it's amazing the things you see on cars that people do and them complain something is wrong
Thank you as always, sweet car at the end
Free Asian pears
I love these, but my my stress levels rise every time I watch your vids
And thats why you need TÜV
Keep explaining what I’m looking at, I’m not well versed in all the parts, I know enough to tell the repair tech no to try to fool me.
I wish that I had my dads 1968 AMC AMX. Dad ordered it without the stripes. It was a beautiful blue. A slightly darker blue than the one you showed. It was a 343 Vi, 3 speed automatic on the floor and was production number 2656.
1:28 actually super legit if you are worried about stray animals or your own cats hanging around/in your car. Well played to that owner.
In Canada, if you bring it into a shop, and they find it unsafe, your not driving it home without repairs or being towed
Whether work was done or not just bringing their car in involves huge fees!

I worked at an auto shop customer came in older couple on vacation said they had a rattle noise we had 4 guys trying to find it we did one guy grabbed a clothes bar hanging in the back noise stopped took us about 15 minutes to find lol
In Australia cars over 5 year old require an annual mechanical inspection. Any defects must be rectified before re-registration is granted. It is illegal to drive unregistered vehicles and licence plates must be returned. Almost none of the vehicles shown in these videos would be allowed to remain on the road. Whenever an American claims their country is the best in the world I immediate think "no way" when it comes to car safety. It's the home of the death-traps.
It really shows the US doesn't have TÜV.
I thought that alarm was funny but the car that sounds like the old Mario N64 jump sound effect is great.
my car only goes directly to the dealership for repairs because I want it done right and if it it wrong you have the record that they were the ones who did it.
The beginning self-work ones I can tell were done by meth users.
I live in the country and know a handful of users and have watched them work on their cars.
They think of the weirdest ways to fix things that end up breaking again within a week.
How are these people allowed to roam free? They are a danger to other people.
That's definitely death trap car!! Don't trust yourself with lesser knowledge of repair car. Leave car to professional car mechanic!
Sad to see so many people without the money to fix their cars.
Someone tried to steal a brake caliper?
…my god people do come up with some utter nonsense
It takes effort to weld that badly.
I love this video because I have known guys that said, "all you need is some tools and knowledge and you can work on your own car and fix them yourself". Or they say, "I can fix your car. Don't take it to a mechanic". These are the guys that will absolutely ruin your car permanently. I've had dudes convince me of this twice in my life. The second time was then last time.
Take your vehicles to professionals.
"There's a smell of fuel in my car"
"Maybe cause you have three fuel cans in there?"
surprised Pikachu face
I didn't know a differential could be installed upside down.
Customer states "I'm too stupid to be alive"
Another Great video (as expected

or two, or three

With all of that extra brake line, I'm guessing that guy had an extra gallon of brake fluid in his system
Too many beautiful vehicles at the end
I can't decide which one
I must have them ALL
New rule: If you wouldn't pay money to a professional shop to do these "fixes", reconsider if they are a good idea.
will admit to not watching in awhile. but something sent me and im glad cause i needed to see another amx
How? Just how?
Your shop must be near a hillbilly Heaven
I wonder if we should outlaw private repair or forced them get High School General Mechanics & Automotive diploma.
the only thing all these videos show me is we need mandatory annual vehicle inspections tied to vehicle registration.. it is scary how many dangerous vehicles are on the road
yo, theres are great. My God these people are smart.
The automotive ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me.
And these people vote.
Amazing how these fall into 2 categories;
A. easily fixed
B. rolling death traps
What is wrong with people
After watching these clips I feel a whole lot better about my mechanical skills.
Hello my friend. It’s been a while since I’ve got to watch your post’s. It’s been a hard year and a half. But anyway, some people are just not meant to be driving. Lol
I hope you marriage has been going well. Let’s see you’ve been married now for a year and a half is what I’m thinking.
Got to be a special wizard to be able to install an axle upside down.
The number of priority safety repairs declined is down tight frightening!!!