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28 thoughts on “If You Smoke, Will THIS Happen?

  1. Shakespeare's pipes also tested positive for opium iirc. Drug use (including cannabis) is often portrayed as a person who's automatically a substance abuser but that's not necessarily the case, many successful people have indulged in a drink, bowl, line, etc. during their career. Some were found dead as a direct result of their use and others are still alive and doing great! Hunter S Thompson spent years drinking, smoking bud and doing coke while also writing up a storm, other people under the influence of that combination might find themselves doing absolutely nothing but getting wasted. Substance use alone means absolutely nothing to me, some people can use the most addictive substances that exist while practicing absolutely amazing self control and others can't even take a Benadryl for allergies without getting the urge to swallow half the bottle and escape reality…

  2. I started smoking at 15 yrs old, got a felony at 22 yrs old for less than a g cart, & bought a $400k home at 26 yrs old. I am a 28 yr old engineer working along side Phd engineers and still chiefing in the same illegal state that said I couldn't making 6 figures.

    I want to say i'm a decent high functioning marijuana enthusiast!

  3. It really depends on who finds it any average Joe can achieve success and smoke weed just be responsible don’t start smoking and being lazy or binging all day with 12 doobys smoke and be responsible

  4. "Weed makes you lazy! you can't be productive if tou use weed" By this logic ANYONE who drinks alcohol is going to commit domestic violence and will be an unreliable abusive parent to any children they may have there for alcohol is bad and anyone who drinks it are violent psychopaths

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