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49 thoughts on “Falling In Reverse Singer Ronnie Radke Roasts Boring Crowd #fallinginreverse #ronnieradke #metal

  1. It is a DAMN good thing you weren't at Blue Ridge Rock Fest this year. (You would be the first person I'd look at though if you had been. Because you would say something.)

  2. Hes not roasting them. Went to a few of his concerts in my teens and can say he was always great with the fans. Hes just saying the fans couldnt really enjoy the concert, thats why it was boring.

  3. I personally can’t stand moshing and I’m so in love with this band, which is sadly why I don’t attend yet. I want to bring my daughter with me, and be close in the front without worrying she’d get knocked out by some loser in his moms basement wanting to rush adrenaline. Actually wish I would have known the venue was like that I’d have definitely attended so my daughter can go and enjoy with me!I know they have seats, but in the middle is just more worth it to me.

  4. Man, gotta say I’ve been listening to this ass since the jail days… still rocking out to what he makes. Zombified has been a steady repeat for over a year.

  5. The food was great the living conditions are fantastic. But I will say that vip section usually is low energy. He should have closed the who's on top stage where the crowd gets rowdy all day

  6. I loved you at Rocklahoma… But out of touch Eddie Trunk is still the host 🙄 and we seen you for the Rockzilla tour in Park City/Wichita, Kansas, which was also sold out… So please come to Kansas AGAIN🤘

  7. Uhhhh….Yeah, somebody needs to read their contract because venue rules are clearly stated. Ever hear of a band bitching about a curfew? Nope! Know why? Cause it’s in the contract, just like everything else he’s bitching about. Simple pandering to comments on social media.

  8. I empathize with this video; sitting at home, I can appreciate the efforts of my man. But when he drinks at night and he cannot control himself, I end up having to fight for my life. After this experience, a mosh pit is nothing. TYVM for being so inspiring!!

  9. He’s 100% right. Went to rockfest for the first time. Won’t be back. That place was booooring. Bands were great, but we couldn’t rock out

  10. The promoter skipped on all the cost, bought the cheapest insurance with the strictest guidelines for the crowd… Yall should of tore that shit up Woodstock 99 style in protest… Where the F-ck is Cadott anyway😂😂😂

  11. Isn't this the band that had to cancel a tour because they lost the laptop with all the backing tracks? Is he bored because he couldn't throw stuff at the audience this time?

  12. Talks shit directly to the fans, and then blames the promoter? Ronnie, go back to sticking needles in your arm ya junkie. But hey, maybe we should blame the medical industry for the promoted use of addictive drugs. See, that's what you did, ya junkie.

  13. He's not roasting the crowd, he's roasting the production of the show, including artist accommodations, lodging, and overall treatment–which is completely justified!! Artists should be taken care of, not served shitty food and expected to give the daily "experience of a lifetime" that's sold to paying customers at a premium.

  14. While he makes some good points, some of it is factually incorrect and all of it comes off as back tracking from his Twitter post shaming the fans. Radke the drama queen up to his usual antics.

  15. I get that as an artist it can be frustrating if the crowd isn't into it, but the crowd also doesn't owe the artist to move or do anything. You pay for your ticket to a concert and you pay to experience it in the way you want (assuming that isn't messing with others in the crowd). I'm not a fan of standing still, but to pretend that you're owed a lively crowd when they paid for the tickets is just ridiculous. Complaining about the venue and the organizers is totally fair, but fans don't owe you shit.

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