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Brantley Gilbert shared his thoughts on Jason Aldean’s ‘Try That In a Small Town’ during a recent performance. Brantley Gilbert has toured with Five Finger Death Punch and collaborated with them musically and he’s been crossing over into rock.

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25 thoughts on “Brantley Gilbert SLAMS Jason Aldean Controversy

  1. I mean Jason Aldean was basically speaking truth, Brantley if your so pissed off and fired up why dont you talk with Jason and work it over instead of being an Ass About It, if you dont like it you can get off the stage to same with Miranda

  2. As a Black American who loves Country Music, I have gone to verbal battle against Liberal Blacks who have to gall to open thier lips against Jason Aldean. I see where this crap is going. A systematic attack on White American Masculinity Heterosexualaity & Patriotism. Remember they tried it with Morgan Wallen, they are trying it with Jason Aldean. LIBERALS will not stop until you bow down to them or punch them in the teeth!

  3. Not a shock to me always been a fan of BG have seen him live and I can tell he’s real if he don’t like something will let be known and respect him for staying true to him same as I am the backlash over the song is ridiculous and the only thing bad is if you assume it’s about a certain race then you are the problem

  4. This is why I don't listen to today's country music. Johnny Cash is rollin' in his grave.

    There are way too damn many people in the comments defending the song and the video. Nobody would have really cared about the song if the video wasn't chock fulla racist dog whistle imagery, including filming the bulk of the footage in front of an infamous courthouse where violent lynchings were held and a friggin' SUNDOWN SHOT AT THE END. Aldean's wife even admitted less than a year ago that months of planning goes into these videos, so nobody can say they didn't know what those images meant. If you produce racist garbage, you're gonna get called out. The adult thing to do here is own it and try to do better.

    Oh…and most of the real news footage isn't even from the US. It's from protests in multiple other countries, including Ukraine and Canada. Why didn't they use the footage from the Minneapolis riots? Right, that'd be just a hair on the nose…

  5. It's depressing that all these stupid people keep falling for these division tactics. Constantly licking the boots of one side while complaining about the other, completely oblivious to the fact that they're both working together.
    "6 kitty companies run everything" – Trevor Moore
    I'm done being nice and having faith that people will wake up. These criminals are destroying the morals of the next generation and profiting from it, BOTH sides. Anyone that picks left or right, is just ignorant to what's really going on. Politicians don't give a shit about us, only their wallets. Anyone who has a preference over which criminal robs them, is blind and misses the point.

  6. Title is kinda misleading but take it as you will….Gilbert sounds like he’s more mad at the people who are talking shit than at Jason….but that’s just my take

  7. Not rock/metal news . Even if I liked country like that I wanna hear about rock/metal news because this is rock/metal feed not country feed. Granted I know he covers these stories for views & likes & Gilbert has toured with 5FDP & maybe has sum rock elements to his music but it’s still country & this video is strictly for views & likes.

    Anybody will make a video about anything even if it’s unrelated to the channel. In this case a country video on a rock/metal channel. All in the name of more views/likes even if it’s not what you do 😆 sad. While we’re at it let’s be a skateboarding channel covering surfing 👍🏽 or maybe a football channel covering bmx? Or basketball covering hockey…Fuck yea 🙄

    If this same video were on a channel called country feed I’d have zero problems. It’d make sense. But this channel isn’t the equivalent of a espn. This channel isn’t about covering all genres of music like espn covers all sports. Perhaps it should be titled music feed not rock feed. Same with rock hall of fame. Music hall of fame is more like it.

    Not to mention would country be covering modern rock/metal on their channel? Absolutely not. It should work both ways

  8. As someone who grew up in a small town, 8 get what Aldean is saying. I am actually neighbors with a guy who our political views couldn't be farther apart. With that said, he's a hell of a human being. When a tree limb from his property fell on my fence and damaged it, he cut up the tree limb and fixed the fence before I could even ask!

  9. The very compassionate and calm right is finally done with all the liberal garbage with the next election comming up. I fully expect things to get much more vocal and pointed toward supporting patriotism and loving this country. The days of sitting back and watching Lunitics running the country is over. Buckle up buttercup things are going to get crazy.

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