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AYG Comedy Podcast presents stand up comedian and podcast host Luis J. Gomez. Luis returns to answer your questions! You …


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29 thoughts on “AYG Comedy Podcast: Luis J. Gomez Returns!

  1. 50 min in and the depth of Foleys Legend status shines through boys. He wasn’t letting that no sharing with the kid thing go! Glad it all seemed to worked out but still a huge red flag 🚩

  2. Nothing wrong with not sharing in that situation. Giving kids every damn thing they want or beg for is what's creating incapable young adults. Teach the kid that next time they can order the avocado toast. If you are an engaged dad buy the ingredients for the dish on your way home and teach your kid how to make the sandwich the next morning.

  3. Used to pack the end of a cigarette with a little bit of weed for when I’d drive on the highway doing deliveries. Smelled like the burnie, got baked off the weed

  4. I knew I wasnt crazy. Louis literally admits someone with training and any athleticism i.e. professional skateboarder Jason Ellis would whip him. Dont let the skanks hype you into the wrong bet. Us garbites really know what's up… before anyone says it I knows I'm definitely garbage to be this into 2 east coast podcasts that I'm commenting a year later but seriously dont lose your caasch.

  5. 43:00 LUIS J GOMEZ DEFINITELY GOT SPIT ON HIS FOOD this is 2022. DECENCY is gone, those pigs in the back, probably after the 2nd time went :thats it" fuck him,,,give him "these eggs" im telling you..Luis ate someones body part weather inside or a bogger, hair, something.

  6. Man I had a youth pastor in the early 2000s when I was 12-13 that would pile 12 of us in his van to go jump off a bridge into a lake. He ended up landing on a pylon and breaking both his legs and I swam him to shore and we carried him to his van and I drove him to the ER AND THEN TOOK ALL THE KIDS HOME! Then drove back to the ER! Lol. We still did that trip several times the next few years

  7. I’m with Foley. If you’re waiting tables and there’s delicious, untouched food left on the plate, you make a judgement call, but yeah. Such a waste otherwise. The kitchen guys can call me perro all day. Stay fed, son.

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