Before Mischief. Sept 13, 2001. Two days after 9/11, we jumped on the 2-day Super Street North Tour and headed down to the Nopi Nationals.
Nopi was the largest car show in the US at that time, located in Atlanta, GA. Thankfully, these events weren’t canceled. The car community was our family and we needed to be there for each other. This sounds so cheesy, but at the time, it felt like the end of the world. There was no social media for immediate updates from the news. You had to CALL friends to check in on them. There was no Youtube to watch videos of the attacks.
The drive down to Nopi was so surreal. All roads leading to major cities were blocked off by the police/military. We went through so many detours on our way through Philly and DC. There were no commercial planes in the air. All rental car places were empty.
According to Super Street magazine, 70,000 car enthusiasts attended the Nopi Nationals that year.
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banana !!!!
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