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Hated a LaFerrari?
Didn’t John Cena get into trouble for selling his ford gt as well
LMFAO!!!! "The HOA of the Super Car world!
I love it!!!!
Such dumb rules by Ferrari .
I don't understand why people buy Ferrari cars.
Great story but one of the worst storytellers ever.
This is somewhst easy to get out of you can loan it to someone else and after the w yeats is up do the paperwork and officially sale it you're rich enough to own a Ferrari your rich egnough to build a contract to let someone barrow it for a years or so
ferrari always with their bullshit, who the shit they think they are putting customers conditions over something they buy, please
Basically some very wealthy male and they do have power. But they are truly Little Puthies on rhe inside If you not willing to kiss they A, ss they will consider you the enemy.
Porsche is the World ..
Fuck wynn and his money. Ferrari is class
I would want to know why he hated the LaFerrari
F Ferrari.
Wynn don't need them
When I get rich, I'm gonna buy a Ferrari and hire the slo mo guys to record me blowing it up with thermite
Wynn is a cheap phuck
So what? Ithers will supply me
Try proofreading
I worked at the wynn he is an ass
he knew the guy from servicing him? Oooooook
I'll take the casino over the cat any day.
servicing him
That’s why Ferrari is still banking and on top of the car industry while a lot of Steve Wynn’s business ventures are on the verge of bankruptcy in 2023
So in other words, he's a rich asshole.
Expensive cars are just a waste of money
…. basically summarizing two incredibly toxic and narcissistic people
Thats what flippers deserve…..he was always going to flip it and Should have realised it wouldn't go unnoticed by Ferrari !!
This is where manufacturers like Ferrari WAY over step their bounds. ANY manufacturer who attempts to maintain control over a product after you BUY IT, shouldn't be in business.
sounds like bs system
Isn't Wynn still blind? Just trying to understand how he could 'hate' a La Ferrari.
This is simple… Steve Wynn SIGNED a Contract.
He is in BREACH of Contract… If you don't like the terms DON'T sign/buy.
Because Steve Wynn thinks that his money gives him the Right to do WHAT EVER he wants, regardless of a SIGNED Contract. Means he can't be trusted.
I think that it's a stupid clause, but He DID sign it. And you can't tell me he didn't Know about it.