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Anti Flag abruptly announced their breakup after a long career and fans are unsure why. Anti Flag deleted all of their social media accounts.

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20 thoughts on “The Strange Anti-Flag Breakup

  1. I hope Chris 2 and Chris one and pat didn’t know what was happening I hope they didn’t take part in this I hope those guys come together and form a new band I always felt Chris 2 should have been Anti-Flag

  2. I loved Anti-Flag up until 2015. They are from near where I grew up. They lost me when they started hating on Soldiers. I realize they used to be anti-government until they embraced a Democratic liberal psycho stance. Not all Soldiers are killers or Trump lovers. A lot that I knew went to tons of punk shows. Its a financially stable job in spite what a lot of people think. My friends Mom used to make him and his sister sleep in a pig pen. He needed somewhere to go with no education. Then they went into full I love Liberal mode when they are supposed to be anti-government. I believe in equal rights as do a lot of conservatives. These fools need to get a grip on who their fanbase are. Now we see their true colors unfortunately. They can stuff their pedophile woke propaganda up their own asses. Except the drummer. He rules!!!

  3. If librals didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. It's funny when their own ridiculous beliefs are the things that end them. Good riddance band I've never heard of. Punk wasn't ever left-wing you numbnuts.

  4. This is what happens when your a 50.year old that pretends to be 19 but all the 19 year olds turned into a bunch of woke monsters who don't know how to have any fun anymore.

  5. looks like a another shelby speaks out ,guy doesnt want her and now shhes pissedd off so she caames out 13 yrs lqter with that faiirytales ,perfect timing all bqnds need to be saaved from this shitty Agenda of brutal feminist nazi garbage,all are lies and the only does that because of that Rammmstein Judge,that says all ,fuck feminism

  6. Perhaps there is a secret competition between these internationally known rock, metal and punk bands as to which band has been most frequently involved in non-consensual acts involving women. Whether by force or otherwise, there are no justifiable conditions for such actions.

    Women all over the world, get in touch.

  7. after acknowledge the allegations, make sense why they're breaking up immediately, so sad what's band stand up for isn't relevant with what they do anymore.

  8. Honestly I don't know how to react because of how sudden the split happened, the allegations came out minutes after the split happened and just took the whole fanbase by storm.

    Justin (the frontman) is innocent 'til proven guilty

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