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The 1980s was full of fun during the summertime. Some of the things that kids used to do are no longer done. In this video we will remember what summers in the 1980s were like.

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Rhetty for History

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30 thoughts on “Summers In The 1980s!

  1. I do electrical for water treatment centers. Don’t ever drink hose water. It’s literally filtered water from your toilets and showers but not fully cleaned

  2. OMG at 7:00. This brought me back to even before there were video stores in the early to mid 80's. I remember my mom having to rent them from places like radio shack or castons where we lived. We also had to rent a VCR as well as the tapes because we couldn't afford one. lol.

  3. I was born in 75. I'm not sure if this amount of nostalgia we feel is normal as you grow old or if there was something so different about those days. Things just felt so real. After the 90's( that already had some things I disliked) nothing was ever the same again. We ruined everything with this much technology. The world feels so different.😢

  4. Yeah we did all that. Biggest change or thing that haopened for me was very early 80s in australia was that crossriders with motorbike suspension came out and then bmx took over from the dragster bike.. just reminded me of how naughty i was mowing lawns for beer and ciggarette money at 14. If i could turn back time i would excersise more patience and try not to grow up too fast.

  5. I started High School in 1980 what a ride it was through 1984. This was great brought back so many memories of a much much better time.. i would go back in a heartbeat.

  6. Maxell 120s were the best. My brand from the 80s into the early 2000s. I had an 80s car in the 90s so I needed tapes for my first car and I wasn't going to buy albums.

  7. Man, social media truly has ruined life. I was born in 81. I remember my summers were a lot of book it club, bike rides, movies, early morning cartoons. I think humans were better as a species back then

  8. I was 10 in 1980 heir in Sydney nsw but we also had the rocket in the park n we would call it rocket park lol ( BMX ) was the best thing that came out of the 80s for kids well i guess space invaders n Galaxians also oh n froga too pmsl.

  9. This was pretty dead on to my childhood in the 80s for sure. Oh, you missed the public swimming pool though. But yeah, arcades, theaters, renting movies, squirt gun wars! With the grenade shaped green water balloons. Oh and Halloween was way better! Popcorn balls that were amazing! Candied apples home made from the old ladies. Those were the days your parents let you stay up all night with your friends and laugh at goofy stuff.

  10. Don't forget the prank phone calls and recording them to cassette tapes for later listening! I had about three full tapes filled, and you never got traced! Ha, ha
    Also, the community pools and swimming from 11 AM (unless you had 8 AM swimming lessons) until 6 PM (6 -7 PM was adult swim.)

  11. Great stuff man. I was born in 83 so that means im turning the big 40 this December. I remember those summers like they were yesterday though. One thing we used to do that you left out was playing in the woods all day long haha. Finding vines to swing from and creeks to follow. When you were in the woods it felt like you were in your own world. Im almost sure kids dont do that now haha.

  12. Born in 1972. We would be gone on our bikes all day long to friends houses or playing baseball in somebody’s yard. Lots of hills, so the rule was you couldn’t hit the ball down the hill or you had to get on your bicycle and chase it. Also had good road rashes from being pulled by a bicycle, while riding on a skateboard and holding a rope down those same hills. We had lots of potholes!😂

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