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38 thoughts on “PART 9 of my cross-country Suzuki build

  1. Since when is baseline road considered "just outside Phoenix Arizona"? I mean technically it's mesa but it's all Phoenix and it's definitely not outside of anything it's urban as it gets

  2. Why the hell would you want to live in la if you are a car enthusist. Their is no worse state to live if you love old cars. They will punish you for owning classic cars or cars that are worth alot. I would never set foot in that socialist hell state. They push the notion that everybody needs to get electric cars because they are more green. Electric cars are worse for the planet. We have people from california showing up in ohio and they are just god awful. Destroyed the most beautiful state in the country with the polocies they voted for and now they are going to destroy my home.

  3. That was great Henry & congratulations on a very exciting & educational road trip series. I streamed the entire series in 1 sitting & enjoyed every episode, thank you so much.

  4. I would def lift the suspension a little more, make it slightly looser, fit it with slightly bigger tires and cut the fenders some just for the hell of it. That little thing is really cool.

  5. @donut i am a huge fan. Please make a bumper2bumper episode with this particular car and revive some of your classis series in the process… Cheers.
    Much love to India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳😘😘

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