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33 thoughts on “If I Think You Should Die, You Will Die | Steve-O TV

  1. I love to see you doing so great in life, Steve-O. I wish to achieve where you are in life. I'm just depressed 24/7 and recently its been pretty bad. Im 27 with no job, no money, addicted to suboxone and pain killers. I just want to sort my life out and be where you are in life. You seem genuinely happy and you are exactly where you need to be in life

  2. Hey Steve-O, Yeah Dude…I'm lost for words ….Talented, Funny, Free diving and the Puss finger Buddhist statue ..you crack me up! If you think you shud die, then you'll die, haha😂😂

  3. I LOVE STEVO.. He's talented, a free diver too. Wooow ! I do scuba 18M same depth as STEVO & would die without a tank. He's ALWAYS laughing, yeah dude. LOVELY guy dude.

  4. Fucking love you beautiful freaks. Yall have me laughing non stop. It's good medicine man. I know I'm years late on this video and don't expect you would see this comment. But damn dude! I'm loving catching up on your older stuff, like binging actually while I wait for the newest. Loving it all Broski.

  5. fucking no one likes the president now even past supporters of him hate him. and most people hated him then and still hate him now. hes a fucking asshole

  6. they have no idea what kind of guy is steve o is! wish to see you here again in the philippines! watching your vlogs ryt now

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