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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Last clip – https://www.newsflare.com/video/578992/suv-with-slanted-wheels-somehow-still-drivable
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 A new engine will be installed under warranty. Unfortunately, they are back ordered and the customer will be waiting quite a while for a new engine.
0:25 Toyota Sienna van. The technician said if he gets a sound clip of the exhaust ever he will share it with us as I’m sure it sounds hilarious!
0:42 The customer wrote off their Chrysler 300 when they got into an accident.
0:57 OEM lower control arm bushings were installed by the technician. The cheap ones the customer bought were made a little big so they were rubbing against other suspension components.
1:15 “Crank no start. Needed a fuel rail originally. But then needed all the intake pieces due to the mass amount of spray paint.”
1:25 The engine had a bad engine mount and it caused a wiring harness to rub through which is why the customer had electrical problems and kept adding bigger fuses.
1:36 The clutch exploded in multiple pieces and broke the bell housing of the transmission. The customer most likely drove the Mustang pretty hard to cause this to happen.
1:49 The technician replaced the bushing which only cost $3 for the part.
2:01 No extra info.
2:08 The vehicle did not have a steering wheel lock, only this bike lock to the seat and seat rail.
2:12 The technician thinks that they maybe had fireworks that hit the hood of their car.
2:24 The customer had just purchased this vehicle from a used car lot, so they went back there to try and get their brakes replaced.
2:32 The technician said it had 3 bald tires and 1 new one, which may have been the culprit as to why the PTU (power transfer unit) broke. The power transfer unit sends power from the front wheels to the rear so the vehicle is AWD.
2:44 An easy fix but the technician had a good laugh when he saw this.
2:54 “A woman gets into an SUV that has two slanted rear wheels. She pulls out of her parking spot and drives away.”
3:06 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hope you guys have a great weekend! Submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
All these new cars are garbage
Some of those people are actual fucking npc’s. Holy shit
"Customer Declined Repairs" would make a great T-shirt!
This is why we can't have a limit-less highway like the Autobahn
1:15 must be some kind of special….
I raced one of these with my 360k mile 2015 ford expedition. No wonder I blew the doors off that thing
People are dumb.
I've taken off literal rings barely held together brake rotors can be worse
0:42 If anyone else was involved in that accident they should sue the car owner. Endangering other peoples lives by driving an unsafe vehicle. It's worse if they were hoping to get into a car accident so other people will have to pay to fix their vehicle.
That one with the lower control arm bushings would’ve been a DEFINITE write up to cover the techs ass as well as the shops for denial of the repair. Sure enough there was an accident.
Notice how none of the vehicles in the video was a Toyota…. That's why I'll only drive those !!!!
The GM/Detroit/Oldsmobile V8 diesel engines all suffered from weak crank shafts design & casting composition. Similar issues have been discovered on the Cummins 5.0L V8 that were installed in the Nissan Titan pickup trucks. None of these engines should be rev'd to high rpms.
That van had all the back pressure
Sounds like the new Chevy Suburban has a recall problem, maybe let them know
That last one scared me… not only was that wheel WAYYY out of alignment, but ITS USED AS A DOORDASHER / TAXI and is going all over the place with people and food!! SMH
1:20 yeah, spray paint ain't gonna start the engine mate
The use of "lady" @ 2:59 is in the loosest possible terms…
100% of all cars on the road right now should be required to have an inspection and any failure will mean loss of the vehicle as a whole. Drivers should also be made to submit to a background check at the time of inspection to determine if they are even legally driving and licensed. Any failure of that should result in heavy fines and complete loss of driving rights. We want bad drivers and clapped out vehicles off the road? That's how.
This channel is the best sales pitch for high underinsured no insurance autocoverage
Unbelievable stuff! That brake rotor looked like it belonged on a bicycle.. The number of dangerous vehicles driving down the road is terrifying.
That last clip hit me- these people aren't dumb. They are poor. That f'd up minivan was probably the only way for that lady to get to the store. On the other hand, maybe she could use a bicycle and get the double benefit of exercise? idk
Power transfer units wouldnt break if made from steel.
I refuse to believe any sane person thought spray paint was the solution to getting their car started
That new suburban blowing up the engine seems pretty typical for a Chevy.