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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 The customer had also replaced some other parts but they were non-related to the engine. The shop removed the shop rag, checked the valves, replaced necessary gaskets, and put the engine back together. Ran fine afterward.
0:25 “2000 Ford Mustang. New Cobra block and forged rotating assembly in machining.”
0:44 The customer and technician had a good laugh when the technician showed him the issue. The shop previously had replaced valve cover gaskets and a wiring harness.
1:00 No extra info.
1:15 The technician said the customer got their insurance company involved and is not quite sure what is going to happen quite yet. The car is lowered as well.
1:32 Brake rotor on the wrong way.
1:41 Looks like camping gear in bags that was making a noise.
1:49 Customer had instrument cluster displaying battery voltage, no issues luckily.
1:58 Vehicle was a Ford Focus SE with the ST badge. Let’s hope the airbag does not deploy!
2:05 The technician said he was on lunch when the cops were called so unfortunately he didn’t get any photos/clips of that. But the car was towed away (not sure where too).
2:19 If you have to cut out a piece of your frame to install any part you’re doing something wrong or have the wrong part! (Customer said he installed the starter as well, just in case you’re wondering).
The rear brake rotors were very worn as well!
2:30 Needed rear calipers, rotors, and pads.
2:37 No extra info.
2:50 The technician had a good laugh when he saw an old dust pan covering these horns’ on this customer’s Platinum F-350.
3:02 “Shad is driving down the Triboro Bridge towards Astoria, New York when he spots a box truck with a damaged cargo trailer. The trailer leans to the side with gaps in the door and ceiling from driving under a too-low bridge.”
3:14 Outro. Thanks for watching! Submit your clips/photos at


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37 thoughts on “Customer States Engine Runs Rough After He Replaced Some Parts

  1. Any scumbag dealership calls the cops on me for trying to get my oil changed, it would be the last time they would see me in their place. She told them she wanted an oil change. She didn't go there to give them $1200.00 to rebuild the front of her car. Typical dealership trying to scam a woman out of money again.

  2. Lady pulls into our shop.
    Says A/C is blowing hot.
    Diagnosis reveals…
    The vehicle has never had an A/C system installed.
    Repair quote provided includes labor for installation of an AC system…boo-yah.

  3. this is why it is harder to get a license in Europe and Scandinavia. 10-15% of people are dangerously dumb imbeciles. a driving license is NOT a human right as some Americans seem to believe. But it's so much worse elsewhere. Have you been to China or India.

  4. 👇More shops need to call the police on death traps like that. Those vehicle owners shouldn't be allowed to operate a toaster let alone a two-ton wrecking ball on wheels.

  5. Wow. I know the owner of a shop where one of his drivers did a similar thing to one of his delivery trucks. Stripped off the one side going around the back of another trailer.
    Option a "you're fired"
    Option b "its coming out of your pay"
    He took option b.
    I have seen the stripped bare brake rotors before as well.
    Lady said it was kinda noisy.
    It was clattering against the broken away vents on both sides.
    Metal back plates rubbing the vents. Brake pad material gone months ago.

  6. all these dumb people make its so hard for someone like me that know how to fix his own car but its under warranty so wants to get it fixed at the dealer but they dismiss so much since they have to deal with crap like this daily. Wish there was a smart person express lane.

  7. I do feel the auto shop that called the police probably should have informed the customer that the vehicle is not street legal in it’s current state. If they still insist on being stubborn and driving it out, on their own head be it.
    However calling the cops without informing the person just strikes me as petty.

    For an example of a mechanic being petty I once had a leaky antifreeze container(among other issues). I informed the mechanic that after it was patched I only wanted them to put a single bottle in for their testing and I would be bringing a bottle to top it up myself to avoid the up charge on their supplies. The bastards used two to fill it up and charged me an extra thirty bucks (the bottle I had with me was ten and change) for something I told them I didn’t want and then threatened me that if I didn’t pay they would have my vehicle towed as “abandoned by owner,” greedy buggers.

  8. You can’t just teach “common sense” it’s acquired from an understanding of your surroundings with logic over your life. You don’t learn it from sitting at home on Tik-Tok and FB. Humans are a “failed evolutionary experiment” just wait and see.

  9. Once I head that loud ticking but I was the radio left on am listening to E.T lol good thing that the dealership let her go but called police not to cause any accidents.

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