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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Brandon T Russell via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 The manufacturer asks if there are any aftermarket accessories/parts installed when doing a warranty claim, so once the technician notified them what was done to the car, and the manufacturer declined the warranty on the transmission as they believe the customer abused the car. The technician said it had drag radials on it as well and they most likely damaged the transmission on the drag strip.
0:19 The charcoal canister is for the EVAP system. The charcoal canister/evap canister absorb fuel vapors that would otherwise vent out to the atmosphere, causing pollution.
0:29 The customer did not get the engine repaired.
0:48 An important reminder to take photos or install parts on one side at a time, so you don’t do what this customer did.
0:59 The Vehicle was a Chrysler (they didn’t mention the model).
1:11 Hyundai. The customer thought his insurance company might write off his car, but it was all caught on camera.
1:22 Chain and two padlocks around brake pedal and very loose steering wheel. Looks pretty unsafe to drive but as mentioned it only came in for 4 new tires (the technician showed me the work order). He was surprised they didn’t mention anything else.
1:36 Cockroaches inside of customer’s car. The technician didn’t mention if anybody actually ended up fixing this car.
1:43 Ford F-350 6.7L powerstroke. Watch how much starter fluid you use when trying to start a vehicle. Also on these Ford powerstroke engines, always change the bottom fuel filter first, then the top. Then cycle the key a bunch of times (prime the lines with fuel) and you should not have any issues.
1:55 No extra info.
2:05 Easy find!
2:13 Somebody mentioned in the comments that the metal object in the oil pan on this Mercedes-Benz could be a probe rod to find buried utilities.
2:27 The Back side of the wheel does not sit flush with the wheel spacer which caused the bad vibration the customer felt. The customer was not paying attention when he installed those wheel spacers.
2:35 Maybe somebody did this on purpose? But the technician was surprised to see this random clamp on a fuel line.
2:45 No info on this one, so if you know the year of the truck, please let us know!
2:58 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hope you guys had a great weekend!
You can submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
We also pay to use submitted clips (will be contacted via email)! Have a great week.
That Mustang GT500 deserves a better owner.
Ahhh, the ol' belt on the padlock routine. I've lost count of the amount of times I've done this. It's my answer to most situations I find a little challenging in life
That poor Shelby…are people real?
$300 generators are smart enough to shut themselves off when they run out of oil, why arent cars?
2:34 ah yes that red arrows perfectly explains what I’m looking at .thanks for including that much information
Carroll Shelby is turning in his grave at the fact that someone has neglected that GT500
Cast aluminium has no place in an automobile. Then again, lowering a street vehicle is just as stupid. Speaking of stupid, I saw my first Mustang minivan. That was the most stupid looking thing I had ever seen.
00:45 kills me inside when people that have more dollars than sense destroy things I can only wish for.
Hello Eli,110 here today.Iam enjoying a Crown and coke.Did a bunch of work on my Pool,so I used it for the first time in 5 yrs.Hope you and Family are doing well.
2:15; that's a soil probe
I need to go watch some cat videos as i am slowly losing my faith in humanity.
I wouldnt be suprised if the Land Rover stealership put that clamp there…
2:46 Talk about ending on a high note!

12k miles without an oil change, but at least they've got that K&N filter! 

Tuned Focus w/water injection but beef give up the driveline?! Got what he deserved!
Glad the tuned car got warranty denied
The stuff people don't do to their vehicles and stuff people shouldn't be doing to their vehicles day.
Thank you for the feature sir!
Was that clamp just a joke on the owner?
Gawd, I love this channel!

Every time I watch these it’s like I’m watching actual train wrecks.
“And to this day, the car still does not start”