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PGR Weed Explained (FULL VIDEO): https://youtu.be/uxVDFXrPRo8
Idc I know some of that PGR hits like a RPG
Instructions unclear: Now smoking out of an RPG, I fashioned into a bong.
Still smoking it

Plant growth regulators?
I feel like some breeders show us pics of PGR buds because some pictures show huge buds, you
out and get Tropicana cookies size buds. Trop is tasty but small nugs, the mtb trop ok size but other one is tiny tasty nugs. How we know if breeder used PGR in pics but I guess be just easy make fake pictures from someone else's grow than use PGR. I definitely bought PGR when I kid they do look a good bit different. If want grow big try big bud or critical mass.
Thank your for this information BIG DABS at you
from Elijah and ALBA
Wtf is a pgr … I remember some super dense orange hair buds that I swore was bunk
Had a half Oz of PGR, was fully orange hairy no trichomes, I smoked 1bongbrip, then chuckled my half ounze in a puddle, now I'm MEDICAL IN A ILLEGAL STATE
AUSTRALIA NSW, medical marijuana JUST cool o work 6days a week, weed is medical ..….(FK PGR,). & MONSANTO,
Read this as “are you smoking RPGS?”
You can tell sumn wrong with dispo weed after you grow your own and its like it all smells the same but I have grown sum pretty hairy bud
Oh, so all the kind bud we used to get back in 2007.
Yes it was wedding cake and it looked to pretty, super dense
What does this mean though brother !?
That compact look also comes from the electric trimmers they use
I was wondering more on this cause its often asked.
Yo Bud can u do a vid on ways to make ur buds grow denser i have no issues with smell, quality ect just never super dense..
What’s pgr buds?
Bro that part about Jake paul was so powerful. I absolutely love that dude no homo
Not being rude , but this video is not factual , in fact it’s false and it’s not explaining what needs to be explained because of inexperience your only listing to others and your not getting the full entire proper description oh why that bud looks that way . Most nutrients bottled have plant growth hormones and regulators yea but it’s noticeable unless lab tested . You can see genetics express more often the type of display your putting out there but it’s not cause of PGR It’s cause of the brand of nutrients plus the genetics and where and how it was grown . There is way more to this .
I don’t use pgrs but get rounded buds slots of orange hairs sometimes
Thank you for all the amazing advice
Make a whole video on PGR
What's PGR stand for? Professionally Grown Reefer?
some good bud bud :'D keep it up
What about all the companies like tenco. Im swiss and i dont have a clue about it. But most bagged weed that i see looks like that
Its synthetic growth hormones.
Almost all commercial bud has these and other poisons in them. Also, they stink of artificial turpines. Best to grow your own.
All of the edges being round just means it was put through a machine trimmer, the real tell-tale signs of PGR bud are long orange hairs, white underside of leaves, little to no trichomes.
There are natural organic pgrs like shellfish meal and kelp meal
they are way to make your finale product more consistent also they have a terrible half life so if you are constantly having to relight your joint and getting inconsistent ash color the chances of this being a factor are higher. On that same note i will also add that it’s not just PGR’s but a loooot of pesticides unfortunately.
Just using kelp sets off natural PGRs lol