Are You Garbage presents stand up comedian and podcast host Colum Tyrrell! You know Colum Tyrrell from the Colum Tyrrell …
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Kippy an foley showed how trash they are on this one

Kerry is absolutely beautiful, it's green and gorgeous, Dublin is gray and cold.
is kippy as big as foley?
90s Ibiza was awesome
Can you 3
Please organize a Tour of Ireland????
Many many of us would go along!!
Pink Twirlies gang represent
Watching Foley learn that other countries had slaves, in real time, was amazing
You guys should go on taste buds and do chips and salsa and bread and butter next time.
41:22 Foley's Spanish is really good and my pequeño
He's incredible and inspiration to those who are suffering with hsv2 problem, all the best herbs for cure is also a permanent solution for hsv2 problem, I was cured by Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home

He's incredible and inspiration to those who are suffering with hsv2 problem, all the best herbs for cure is also a permanent solution for hsv2 problems, I was cured by #DrOseghaleSundayHerbalHome
Great episode
God damn foley is so fucking quick
You know your fat when you cant fit into a castle made for whole armies
At first i thought you re-uploaded his last appearance, but with all the gypsy stuff cut out.
Im Irish and never heard of pig twirlys.
Another Colum snooze fest. Is he paying you guys!?!
Colum seems like the type of guy to genuinely enjoy having black friends.
He made the good list
I can’t believe AYG caught a real leprechaun for St. Patrick’s Day! Now we know they’re making serious bank
. Here’s to another fantastic episode 

Right out the gate, Colum? YIP YIP?! wtf
Colum. You're a Dublin Jackeen. Ireland are big drinkers, and apart from the buckfast drinkers down the river, Irish have some class. I live in Pittsburgh, and they do round of shots cause its a Tuesday.
col col, bog trash!
Shout out to the algorithm ! If you know you know
Kippy on the grind, responding to comments Fri night
a burnie & shots of plastic bottle vodka to ya' brother 

Colum is great as always. Thinking aluminum bottles are classy is insane KJ.
Can confirm. I’m his friend Andy!
Shout out to Crazy Dave. Neighborhood homeless dude in Springfield, MA circa 1989
For an Irish guy, he knows very little about Ireland lol
I can’t believe I heard “The Richboro Bum” mentioned! His name was Jerry. I used to work at the Richboro Wawa and he would but food there.
God bless that man, but I will never forget that smell, as he did wear a winter coat all summer. Thanks for the memory!
I dont feel like the harpooning Foley or the fact he would need a sleeping bag to get black bagged jokes got the laughs they deserved
Come to the UK!!!!
Collie really brings the dark, deadpan reality of the old country to the whole 'kiss me, I'm Irish' vibe of a US St Paddy's day, and I love it
Foley always trying to tag his mom along along on the boys trips is probably the most garbage thing I’ve ever heard. Absolutely ridiculous no one wants to rip it up with their mom
Foleys finger nail tooth pic is the besttttttt
Kimpy. Take it easy on Foley with the fat jokes.
Great pod.
Colum is Irish Royalty. Colum rules
FLA 4life
Another classic episode…
Love youse guys
For some reason, a can of ice cold Coke tasted bette than a 20oz bottle. Same with Mt few if I’m ever feeling frisky
Kids nowadays stay home and play Xbox. They aren’t out kicking tulips for fun. Every time I visit the neighborhood that I grew up in I’m saddened by how rarely I see kids out just riding bikes
Collie rules
Is the lad with all the clothes on in Dublin Johnny 40 coats?
Foley hurting himself while flexing for the AG1 ad was great

Tell me the thumbnail guy on the left looks like a fat Brendan schaub!