Are You Garbage Live show! Stand up comedians Kevin Ryan and H Foley play Are You Garbage with the crowd. A little AYG …
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"His finger was facing east."
Should've said it was facing towards mecca. He radicalized it skateboarding
Scientists are soon going to stop using carbon dating to see the age of things, and instead start using Kippys hairline. It’s accurate up to the week
Kippy's hair is FUCKIN' ON POINT, hachi fuckin machi. Sometimes he has the Himmler and sometimes the Bruce Willis, lookin' good bozo!
I love these Phili boys….but shit's about to go down Saturday night… G-MEN!
Ed's a "honey dipper" he sucks shit out of port o pots
Foley looks like he's giving birth to the gentleman in the front row!
Damn, Foley is large.
Foley is hilarious but he is getting huge. I always feel nervous for entertainers that are really big because they rarely live a healthy life as it is. Somebody needs to start hurting his feelings until he decides to drop a solid 50-100 pounds.
Trader Joes frozen falafels in the air fryer are $
Shout out to the boys at Pinnochios!
Fucken love these guys
Come to LA !!!
I was on a date, and we stopped in a Trader Joe's and she went full on grocery shopping
This is so fucking funny I can't believe no other comics have done this before. They've essentially crowd-sourced their jobs. All the best jokes come from their audience being lunatics
Foley acting like he doesn't have two cans of bumble bee in his back pockets
Holy shit, I'm eating tuna tonight!
Is that Pinocchio’s in Elizabeth, NJ? Shout out Lady Di
Thank you!

Shoutout to Trader Joe’s Banana Pudding Ice Cream. Clean livin.
Foley truly is a magnificent specimen – the blue on blue really sets it off
Kippy the hair is looking thicc in this lighting.
That pepperoni question deserved more attention. Yes, it’s trashy, but we needed a deeper dive on that.
My Mom worked in the JCPenny "styling salon" & the Sears "dentist". Think I got touched a lot as a child…
Bet foley needs a lil perky after standing for 45 min
So excited for the nyc show
Foley had to choose between breathing and speaking, and he rolled the dice and went for the whole sentence! Hahahaha gotta love Uncle Hank
Like #100 for the Bozo in blue
What a great show I can't wait for you guys to come back home to Philly
Anything for the bloomin’ onion
Outback wtf!