Trevor McDonald investigates the case of serial child killer Beverley Allitt and reflects on how it was reported at the time. A combination of archive from the time, interviews with victims and expert analysis will piece together this tragic and shocking story.
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There no justice in world
Criminal has easy comfortable life
Victim has suffering in their lifetime
Really a good house type at narrating
Mr Trevor MaCDonald… is so smooth with this, I learn a lot from his wisdom
My Nephew got murdered in Karachi Pakistan on 24.5.2022 Can you upload a story for him also. He was 18 years orphan boy. Got murdered on trivial scuffle in which he was not guilty he was shpt on his head bh spoiled brats.
The plump blonde girl says she fears Allit might come back for her. Which is a ridiculous statement as all of her victims were Babies. And clearly Kaley is far from a baby. However it seems she’s mentally disabled going by the conversations she had with her mother & interviewer.
Are they authorizes sure this person is guilty? Not falsely charged and wrongfully convicted?
She said without hesitation I have more freedom she played ya'll put her back in a cell so these families can get justice
Trevor McDonald is my hero
being stuck in a mental hospital isn't great either she's locked up. i mean it's not like she can leave the place.
Adreno for the elite?
She should be put under the prison. Life without parole or even death penalty in US..she was a threat to society…what tragic events for those parents. Heinous !!
OMG she left the one girl mentally and physically disabled.
If it was munchausen, she would've been seen saving the children's lives. That did not happen
I think there may have been a disorder at play, regarding this nurse. Based on physical appearance, such as head shape, ears, the eye position and structure of the nose, indicates a syndrome of sorts.
20 is too young to be given any responsibility in a pediatric unit.
Trevor Macdonald is one of the greatest journalist of this generation
How does anyone become so evil
You just never know. I caught a Sunday school teacher digging hee nails in my kids hands. Nobody believed me. I always raise awareness. The teacher was beautiful and young and very charming and bubbly.
I'm glad justice was served to that ugly monster. May those little ones rest in peace and those that survived be able to have peace. Sadly, MANY medical workers are more interested in the money they make than care they provide!!
Shes just evil to the core. She should have been returned to prison after a short hospital stay. Then euthanized like a rabid dog.. theres more to her childhood that should have been researched as well. Even if she had been abused as a child its still no excuse for what she did to those children and their families. I wonder if shes still alive now.
There is a level of integrity and grace about Sir Trevor. When he goes, I’m afraid it will go with him.
I love this Gentleman
why is he asking him, if he was a child when that happened during his stay in the hospital
She should've received the death penalty by lethal injection. That would've been real justice for the families.
She knows how to play the game and won! Didn't like her current situation so she manipulated the system. Even if we had the answers, it won't change anything. The heartbreak remains.
What a snug, cocky individual! My heart breaks for the survivors! She's left such fear and devastation!
what a bunch of crap put her in prison
The beast is locked in a golden cage. She screwed up the 'clever', arrogant, nobles British system. We stomp on the cockroach bug when we see it, the British cherish it.
There is something in both my eyes
I have children. My youngest is autistic. I personally, would be in prison for intentional homicide if she was intentionally harmed and managed to survive. I would gladly spend the rest of my life in a cell to make sure the person that harmed her never took another breath. And I would sleep like a baby after doing it.
I am so happy that the Death penalty was abolished so this monster can live the "life of Riley."
Sadly, my first thought was " oh which one"?
the de@th penalty should always be an option!!!
people are too sensitive on this subject.
Trevor McDonald is very bright and one of the best journalists and I adore his wonderful clear voice .
Another amazing presentation by Trevor McDonald. Definitely bingeworthy videos. How someone could do this to helpless children is beyond my comprehension. Munchausen by proxy? WTF?
If I am the parent, I would have gone berserk.
Very interesting and as always, all things Trevor McDonald, very well done.
It is truly scary to say at the hospital.
They should put her back in prison and if she kills herself
I grew up watching Trevor. Fantastic professional. Glad to see he's still keeping busy.
After all the suffering those children went through Why is it Allitt couldn’t have gone more then a week without food or any type of care! Why was the system being so nice to a murderer of 13 innocent children?
I live in the US and seeing cases like this makes me glad we have the death penalty and that criminally insane don't live in the best of conditions. I don't care what psychological condition a person has a child killer doesn't deserve to live in comfort
Demonic possession. Pure evil.