Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello opened up about the future of the band, and false rumors the band required vaccines for entry to see Rage Against The Machine perform. Tom Morello denied the band ever required vaccines for entry.
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Zach de la sheep!
So disappointing that they no longer subscribe to the very beliefs that helped propel them to superstardom in the first place. “Fuck you I won’t do what ya tell me,” huh?
essoal fica esperando oque? que o RATM faça a revolução sozinhos? quem faz a revolução é o povo, eles sao apenas 4 musicos revolucionarios, não o continente inteiro. Quem critica a banda mas nao move uma agulha pela revolução tem que calar a boca. Dont speak portuguese?
Since when are vaccines political ?
As if being anti white wasn't bad enough,they are trash
How come that didn't come out and give any type of public statement on the cancellation look for that see if you can even comment on the original cancellation mother f**** b***** they put online the goddamn government cancelled the s***
F*** no they're not done the motherfuking government cancelled the s*** why does anybody believe anything other than the motherfuking truth
1995: f**k you! i won't do what i tell you!
2020s: f**k you! do what they tell you!
Put aside your politics and just go to a show, it was a hell of a show in Ottawa canada, look it up online.
RATM Are nothing more than posers and hypocrites
For those who forget lol: RATM is a left leaning anti-establishment band. Meaning they agree In Democratic ideology. You can be a democrat by nature but disagree in the way politics and political governing works. So acting like picking Trump over Biden is a Win is laughable when you consider how corrupt Trump is in every way financially, politically, and verbally. He’s the world record holder of most lies ever as a leader for a country built on the freedoms and protections of others. The only thing trump will ever be, is a fraud of the absolute highest magnitude. Biden isn’t perfect but at least it’s the morally right path to get to the people we truly agree with.
We have to climb over the hill to see the horizon and that’s we’ll beyond Biden, but never doable with the a Republican.
I bought tickets to RATM a few years back. The concert kept getting postponed and then canceled. I was pissed! However I highly doubt RATM ever implemented the vaccine mandate at the concert venue where I bought my tickets. It was the venue itself.
Rage against freedom is what they should be called, pushing vax mandates lmao same with the Foo Fighters.
They have been assimilated and lost all credibility when they took the jab. They did exactly as they were told and they became obedient to the master. The new name is .. Allspine Lost
They sold masks. Lol
The Renegades of Funk enforcing tyranny for the machine. Fun stuff.
comments are braindead
They were obvious frauds from the get. Good y'all see it after three decades.
Cowards and frauds
F you you better do what they tell us!
Rage with the Machine.
RATM is a joke. Bunch of clown. Capitalism sucks! Tour shirts in the back for $60.
What a bunch of first class douchbags.