This is the last stream we will ever have in this space before we move somewhere else. Sad to see it go, but excited to see what’s …
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That's great
can't wait for the new show 

I don't know why you're still here. You're obviously not accomplishing anything on YouTube.
might be too late to throw this out there but consider looking for a place to rent that only does an annual inspection. I've rented my house for 5 years and never had a worry bc they usually schedule it with you and at least have to provide you with a notice. I smoke in my house out of glass and dab. Keep it confined to one room and the house rarely smells like smoke after about 30 min. Or just open the window and blow your hit out. It's all good peace and pot.
You have a lot of knowledge about the legalities of cannabis and hemp. Have you ever tried amanita muscaria mushrooms?
I rewatched this solely to see you talk about being bi sexual brothers!
You are both lovely, keep grinding boys.
There ya go running from the cops again.
I hope your move is safe and blessed. Peace.
I got exactly the same bong
You're smoking that bubble hash, lucky man, I'm only here puffin some sour d
Damn playa y'all out

fat dabs from Alba and Elijah
Mever heard sich a buncha crap who wants to watch anyone else getting stoned?
This is awesome bro
K clips
Matt, first let me say, you have one of the best, most educational cannabis YouTube channels out there! Not only are you intelligent but offer great commentary and have brilliant editing skills. No disrespect but I need to speak my peace, having episodes where you highlight getting high live, is not a good look and I feel gives people interested in learning more about cannabis the wrong message. You're the kind of guy who can opt to be a role model for the cannabis industry, and frankly good role models are few and far between. There are other YouTube channels where the hosts get blitzed that I quit watching. Frankly I find it very distasteful. This us your channel and your free to do what you want but please reconsider dropping the getting high part of your episodes. Peace!
Bongs up from Australia
just got my MEDICAL WEED CARD, still waiting for the weed to arrive TGA APROVED MEDICAL MARIJUANA
Great live stream
Thank u Matt thank u Nick