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Mick Mars shares a heartbreaking message to his former Motley Crue bandmates. Motley Crue and Mick Mars are involved in a legal dispute over his shares in the band.

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33 thoughts on “Mick Mars Heartbreaking Message to Motley Crue

  1. Not surprised. I always knew Nikki was a scum bag, tommy and Vince just follow the money and mick was the only guy with character and integrity.

  2. So I guess the Final Tour ball cap that I bought in 2015 wasn't the Final Tour. I have respect for Mick Mars. Vince Neil couldn't sing his way out of a paper bag. Why would anyone throw more money at these jackwads? Hope your back up tracking keeps getting exposed and your fans turn on you. To many times that the troff, pigs.

  3. Tell em you want 25percent of 173million then walk and start your own band at least we won't be hearing recordings. We'll get the full live experience. Fuck em. That's 43million 250 thousand. After you leave they will become the bud light crue.

  4. So bewildering how a band that really only has 2 great L.P's, Too fast and Shout. Can fill stadiums 40 years later. To each their own I suppose. Mick deserves his ownership in that shit show of death, drugs,porn,obesity. As the only sane actual professional.

  5. If it'll happen to that man, it can happen to anyone. That sucks it happened and i feel for the guy. I hope it ends well for them all. These guys have been doing a lot and gave a lot to their fans. Im not a huge fan but i can respect what they have done.

  6. if it wasn't for mick their would of nvr been a motley crue NVR nikki was a junkie, vince and tommy were whoremonglers mick was motley crue.. f' them esp Nikki..

  7. That’s not fair to Mick I mean maybe he’s sick and can’t perform! I’m not mad that the band for replacing him but they need to show love back to their brother!! Mick is the man and I believe that they can work this out without court!! Come on guys, your fans love you all!

  8. No mick mars no Motley Crue period give it up motley crue and treat mick right don't be a bunch of pricks to him.give your head a shake motley .

  9. As a die hard fan since 83’ this totally sucks. Can’t believe they are ruining everything. The 2015 tour was cool, they went out intact and on top, now…… embarrassing, dang!

  10. Sorry to say, but some of your comments are very one sided. Nikki knows how to play the victim. The reality is he's not "bummed" AT all.

  11. Vince and his vocals are the problem imo ? First he lacks self control and that's why his weight issues don't go away and he remains healthy . As for his voice the band tunes down and he can have treatments or a surgery to give him some of his vocal range back . Mick will release a great Hard Rock bordering n Metal & will be fine . 4 guys with nothing in common create Motley and become a holes to each other for the most part this is why I cant look at them the same . Shout at the Devil was the best record they ever recorded yet Nikki with his plan for fame took them Glam with Theater of Pain and it sucked so did GGG , Dr. Feelgood was ok but it was pop rock . I like many wish they had stayed Metal for at least one more record . But SAD was a Great record not a bad song on it which is Lightening in a Bottle for any Band to accomplish especially for these for angry not very smart yet Talented Musicians . What could have been . I lived it turned 19 in 1985 and we were pissed off after listening to Theater of Pain only 3 or for really good songs on it one was a cover so think what you want but The Crue wasn't what people try to say they were I was their for the GGG Tour and it was good but not great.

  12. They've been my fave band from their beginnings over 40 years ago. I will listen to their original music with Mick, but I will not be purchasing anything they release without him. I was fortunate enough to see them in the states last summer but it was my last Crue concert. No more without Mick. (Also, the band probably isn't saying much more about it because Mick is telling the truth. HE was playing his instrument. Nikki was not. Nikki was right in front of me and I know enough about the bass to see he was not playing.)

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