A judge overseeing a defamation case filed by Marilyn Manson against Evan Rachel Wood threw out multiple claims made by the musician. Manson’s attorney said the ruling was disappointing but not unexpected and is planning an appeal.
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This is something we should all ponder before jumping on any bandwagons….
Apologies if I offend anyone reading this, but allow me to take a gesture from Marilyn Manson's playbook; Has anyone ever asked him if he was Jewish? Brian Warner could also be a pen name for entertainment purposes. The bible burning could've strictly been New Testament, along with tearing out pages. Maybe he calls the creator something else like Hashem? Technically calling the creator a human deity is an insult if you believe, given the fallen angels called themselves gods .. Blasphemous in a sense. And the accusations are mighty suspicious given Hollywood condones what these raunchy "pro stay astute" types (you're not getting me YouTube algorithm!) are accusing him of. Maybe he's not apart of their club? You know which one I'm talking about! Kanye is also been getting hassled, Ice Cube doesn't 'cause he's Ice Cube .. but tangent aside. Why wait so long to accuse when the evidence isn't there and now can be Photoshopped, Final Cutted/Premiered/After Effects'ed(They intentionally didn't make a Video shop! Adobe!!!!). To where all stories are false and incriminating evidence is fabricated. He was a shock rocker … Takes away from the novelty of expression when you look at it. The spitting thing, perhaps that was being too comfortable and the other party initiated it, or didn't respect his privacy. Dr. Dre slapped Dee Barnes, and Tommy Lee whooped up on the paparazzi… C'mon now. Really? Leave the man alone. I hope he gets acquitted and those imbeciles have to pay restitution to him for defamatory and slanderous libel .. printed and spoken on camera. More than an apology.
Thank you all for your time and consideration
Man i didn't know if this Court Case ended i thought it was still on going. They make all these allegations because of his beliefs and his style. Justice for mm
F$ck that judge. She has clearly allowed her person biases drive her decisions and is effectively, and intentionally sabotaging his case against her. He is innocent, and it’s sickening to me that the accusers will face no repercussions for the damage they’ve caused that man. How could you not allow the 2 primary pieces of evidence proving Evan Rachel Wood and friends are bold-faced liars, forging an FBI document.
ERW's current girlfriend is jealous of her ex. IMO, freedom of speech doesn't mean you can slander people.
Isn’t it a well known secret she had a bdsm contract with him? I’m so confused, I thought bdsm doesn’t mean you can claim abuse later?
What i have learned from metoo, is to NEVER ever trust the accuser. If my girlfriend comes to me and says she is a victim or some BS, i ask who did it, then immediately kick her out for cheating. Go to the guy who she is accusing, tell him to stop sleeping with taken women, than give a 1000$ as excuse for my girlfriend and give him my assurance that I will support him if my ex gf takes legal action.
I am suing the bible fire and name drackulah Jesus Shiva gen1.29 gen21.19 Mathew 12.42 Joshua Rahab is Jesus Shiva rev.4.7 God I
will be worshiped bible you now your not to use name drackulah Jesus bible cross drackulah Rahab stop Isaiah 66.3 devil meat killing kids ha ?? Isaiah 7.15 vegan gen1.29 rev.4.7 me poverty your going to he'll mormons are not God's rev.4.7 but Isaiah Azazal is not drackulah
Wow, how can someone let fbi letter go unpunished
I laugh at this gye he carnt sing he screens gibberish I know he's made millions but his records are crap, unless Sombody can give me a link to a good one lol he's got do much botox,
This is crap..I was so happy when she blew up on true blood..she is a narcissist and every time her career would pick up she would dump him..and break his heart..and of course she would jump on the me too movement her career tanked and she needed to feed her ego by getting into the spotlight again..
Let's realize that there are evil women out to destroy men. AH and ERW out here making women look awful! I stand with MM!
Truthfully, the fact that this whole farce even happened did not surprise me one bit. Remember back in the 90s when America really hated Marilyn Manson? And he was hardly doing anything wrong… at least legally.
Guilty or innocent, either way isn’t going to surprise me but I do think he’s innocent.
It’s gonna be beautiful, he’ll have won his personal war against America.
This means you can make a fake FBI letter, lie and get away with it. Not an American but isn't it a crime to forge an FBI letter?
Thankfully most of the claims on his suit can still go through. But this judge still sucks
Bring back the Antichrist group and make some heavy shit again !!
Im near the root of all of these aims. That's one of the cores of the S & P, which gets twisted through UPS and other delivery truck drivers, the closer to the family core you get.
I don't know everything going on but I have argued this cause of holding us as the cause before we were born a f doing nothing to fill in the why and wherefore details. We're like normal Californians who brewers, fuel and alcohol chemical makers from Mexico mark at because we live in a small biblically named town [ I hear ].
I was raised to doubt 'he said she said' as 'conjecture'.
In short, we can't go against of they lose. It's one crumpled group with mart and her at it's core where case are used to [ass accounts and the attorneys are piling too high over us who could instead just sit at a table and mark yes or no on a short list of would we want.
It's a bad idea to sue in this group. There's no way you spare a thing or do yourself good to take out of the S & P. It's a 2 way line where goods are moved back and forth with the word good a a note –0
But the auto accesses are the weapon we face -at it's center -in California. Good used cars and trucks go to the counties and stay in white fleets retired to be picked apart and things like that.
It makes no good sense to be stuck on welfare and SSI if we can drive, we have no bad records and the need is intact. Which it is. And we as MARTS WANT TO DRIVE small loads around and can't get a handhold in here of an opportunity. That's the stink. There's no opportunity hovering around Paula's family. Ever! So we have to argue at everyone and dig into the populars to slow this train and say Don't let a Mart fall. Whether they're Martinez or Martin, someone will crap all over the entire length.
From there kay seda sedan.
So rewrite it, and refile it. BUT NEVER BACK DOWN!!
From Trump to Manson, the law is becoming so insane!
The people who ask for justice for Manson make me laugh, justice becomes the law, and evidence. If he is guilty or innocent, the law will say so
The sad thing is the vast amount of people jumping to conclusions and slamming Manson. It’s good to see someone covering this impartially and talking in facts.
All these AmberTerds, smh
He's innocent and justice will soon be served
These women were speaking the truth and Manson is but a narcissistic abuser trying to retain his fame and power.
I still stand with Marilyn Manson.
Can't believe the judge dismissed evidence like that,they should look everything over again; take a GOOD.HARD.LOOK.
They just don't want the truth….
Hes been found out lying about "facts" and has had key sections thrown out
I hope he gets abused in jail the Noncer
Manson ain’t Johnny Depp.
Yall owe this man an apology,
any woman can ruin a mans life with fake rape accusations, no matter how false they are the guys life will forever be different, and the woman will have no consequences what so ever, it happens all the time
So, she didn't dismiss her hacking Manson's email and causing emotional damage, but she dismissed her imitating a FBI person and forging her signature?? Oh, Ok. That makes sense. So the sh*t this crazy b*tch could go to jail for gets dismissed? That judge is definitely against Manson.
I honestly believed the allegations until I heard that Rose McGowan was never abused by him, and then the trial of Depp and Turd makes me not believe the allegations either, both Werner and Depp seem like very similar men who are obviously good friends
What about the properties of a Marilyn ch ? Symboliclly characters sometimes take on personalities that individually have flaws or third party entities that when looked at as a whole the name Marilyn or Evan have exceptions but neglected minute measurements because of ignorance of lack of information as singularities.
For example the rule of fives
Pillard like a M
Warned by an E
Probably whatever they didn't see is that band that kept them together and splitting them all the same
Inverted curves or folds in clothing foil example
You fuuuloose
They been wanting this guy's head since the 90s, damn shame
Who cares
Now I’m even more confused on how I should feel about this
Either Manson should own up to what he did if it’s true, or if he didn’t do it, Evan should own up to lying. Someone needs to speak out on this because I’m tired of this
APPEAL so another judge will handle. They are all fkn liars!
Hes worried about his image…but likes shoving mics up his arse and blowing his guitarist pre show….hmmmmm….
I find it really ironic how some Marylin Manson fanboys out there claim that he's innocent
I grew up on Manson music, and it really is a shame this actually happened, but Manson still is a large pile of steaming crap. It's probably the worst human alive. Still dig his music, though, the old stuff atleast.
OK, the man is clearly prepared. Let's what maneuvers he can pull off.
Another Amber Turd.
I love Manson’s music and have been a listener for years, but I remember reading the interviews when they were fresh, where he said he wanted to smash ERW’s head in with a sledge hammer, and when he said he called her 130 something times in one day, and each time she didn’t answer, he cut his face with a blade. So clearly some abusive manipulation is being admitted to there, it seems. As for if he did the things he’s being accused of? who knows, I don’t believe he did, but his past statements certainly don’t bode well for his innocence.