Are You Garbage Comedy Podcast presents stand up comedian and podcast host Akaash Singh. You know Akaash Singh from …
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Foley saying "Alot of girls love a small penis" and it getting blown over was brilliant. This podcast is fu**ingredients amazing.
Imaging Kippy tying Foley's shoes just warms my heart.
they told Akash they were going to Disney world and his first question was making sure Toby was invited. this guy really is family first.
Omg I watched the part where Tobey said “OH FUCK!” 100 times. The quick wash of panic on Kippy’s face is elite

the average
I love that Kippy has a go-to standard secondary verse when they’re running a scenario
Akaash seems like he's stuck at 14 years old.
Scranton Boy here, Menzingers mention made my day!
that cobra hiss tank fascinates me.
49:40 Foley never ceases to amazes me man, "¯_(ツ)_/¯ there goes Miami"
An air fryer is just an oven with a fan in it
When Kippy said the amount they're raking in on Patreon, I just started clapping. Happy for you guys. Crushing it. Hell yeah.
7:20 – Women are systemically fucked as well. Only able to vote for 100 years, still make less money than men who do the same job … it goes on and on.
Aye! I think I was just the 3800th to join patreon! I only had patreon for Tim Dillon but after binge watching YouTube episodes, this was the one that convinced me to join yours too! You guys are hilarious every single time
Keep it up! 
Anyone else get Artie vibes from foley
Can't wait to watch these spazs lose their net worth!!! Can't wait until u guys are making 100k a month AND become Garbagio Royale.
I keep checking my pockets, I can not find my tickies!
Great video!
Black people also have privileges
Foley looks like hes inspired by his drug dealers dressing choices
Akash putting out that 20 minute YouTube special made him think he's Tom Segura level
36:20 lmfao
The look on Kippys face at 56:17 is PRICELESS! Great piece of acting by T-BONE!!!
I barely make over 10k a year nowadays! After my Epilepsy started my pay quit, no more working for UPS making great money.
Akash super humble. His sister was on that Indian matchmaking his family owns golden elephants and shit but he keeps it real
I’ve found more hilarious comics on this show than any others! It’s awesome
Thank fuck I found this page. You two are my new faves. Just about to watch this one and just finished the Kelsey Cook ep….which had me in stitches. Best of luck and congrats on the success! Brilliant !
Akaash is under rated af
it's all in the ankles… lmao aight y'all boys are funny af
Aakash is so funny, such a great special! AYG is killing it much love from Utah!
glad that this guy getting in fitness. we all have to become healther.
Half hour special??? Dude that was literally the shortest special I've ever seen. It was like 15 minutes lol
Crispness camera in the game. Give ATC a tutorial. Great Pod network but TRASH lighting and camera
Pizzazz makes 10 out of 10 pizza. Also reheating a cheesesteak or a slice. Microwave quick to heat thru. Then Pizzazz to crisp it up and bring back to life. Just like its fresh if you get good at it. I am Pizazz BlackBelt
there is no way a slice of pizza is gonna be good in 10 seconds in the air fryer
Everyone talking about air fryers like ovens haven't had convection since the 80's
“ You guys ever been to a Taco Cabana in Texas, at midnight? “
Soo whats the point again of having akaash put any money down if hes keeping the split?
Fat guys are a dime a dozen
Killed me!
Nothing more garbage than spending most of a podcast fantasizing/strategizing about gambling
Did Foley call wontons chips?
Foley is going to lose weight sweating about this bet for sure!
I think it’s good when they don’t always have comedians on sometimes you just need some average guy who’s kind of funny
My Ronco rotisserie almost set my house on fire. Good food though.
Oh my god! The casino talk is killing me! Been in the casino business for 17 years, and you guys have me rolling!