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27 thoughts on “What Does HHC TINCTURE Feel Like? (it’s good)

  1. Is there any tincture alternative that has the effect of an amazing sativa like jet fuel? Most I’ve tried that claim to be derived from a sativa plant can’t tell the difference

  2. I'm not sure if it was just the company "Hank" but I had a hhc cart/disposable and I do smoke regular bud and wax but that stuff made me have a psychotic episode I didn't do anything stupid but mentally had bad thoughts. Never will try it again. I still smoke real weed and wax and eat edibles to this day. Maybe it was the way they made it. Maybe some contaminants made it to the final product but whatever it was I'd say it's not worth it and I'll never do it again. We don't know enough about it it's not regulated. My personal experience is enough to say no. We should just legalize weed. None of the highs were ever really comparable to cannabis accept the edibles the edibles were like that.

  3. Dam dam dam WOW
    Remember when I called you God
    Well I was just looking into things as one do when one has a bit of time, & I see his thing about HHC now I have not heard of it before.
    I have heard of Delta 8-9
    THC- THCa – CBD – but not HHC
    Now I thought to my self who do I know that would no this and if not he would find out. So I click onto your channel to drop a message and u put a video up about HHC dam matt you are good bro

  4. I just got one from Elyxr and it kicked my ass, but only the second time. The only difference was I shook it well the second time. Let me tell you SHAKING IT MATTERS 😅

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