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Tommy Lee has always been a hero to me. This podcast was just plain epic!
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46 thoughts on “Tommy Lee – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #19

  1. Holy shit, I went to see the concert where they opened for Ozzy in Memphis Tennessee…. Hell of a show….I was 13 going on 14 ….

  2. Tommy seems really cool. He did pull a gun on the guy just for asking for his tools back. I'd love to hear him talk about Pam and Tommy.

  3. I loved watching this. To see Steve-O and Tommy Lee just having a real conversation and just hanging out makes me happy. Thank yall for being such a huge part of my childhood 🤙

  4. If I could like this video multiple times I’d give it👍🏻 about every minute it played it is absolutely fire I love it. U r gold

  5. Tommy is the reason I play drums ..I used to tap my hands and feet to the songs and I studied Tony's kit and learned what the kick drum hi hats n cymbals all did …..nothin else in my childhood life mattered to me at the time I was discovering music room was covered in Crue posters as a little kid…first show I ever saw was the Crue live in Bloomington Illinois 1987(?) dr feel good tour w faster pussycat ….as I grew up I would still " play along " w any music and finally a friends dad let us pullout some drums when we were like 20 and I could immediately fluently play the drums in time and could do a lot of sick stuff right out the gate .
    I don't play regularly but I still go into a blues open stage once in awhile and I always do well .
    People tell me I'm a good drummer
    I always tell them it's because I looked up to Tommy Lee as a little kid
    Wish all the best for Tommy and his family

  6. I’m
    Behind on this but this was the greatest !! It’s not everyday that you Interview your idol who is now your best bud .. congratulations on all of the success you are an inspiration Steve O .. you remind me that there is always hope

  7. Sorry but this interview was more about steve-o than tommy lee . He rambled on over half the interview with his steve o stories. The majority of it was steve-o rambling on about his luv affair w/ motley Crue n tommy lee .he gets into these long n drawn out stories and doesn't know when to shut the fck up . Bro u have tommy lee in your van and over half the interview was tommy listening to steve-o just ramble on . He tends to do this in a lot of his interviews . This dude needs to lay of the caffeine.

  8. I just found this channel! Love it! Came across this gem & hopped online to see if they were coming to Oklahoma anytime soon. Got so excited to see Tulsa on there only to be totally bummed there’s no handicap seating at all.😡😢

  9. Well, this was kinda fun until my brain started going "fuckin, fuckin, fuckin,, fuckin, fuckin, fuckin, fuckin…..
    At some point, I was like "I'm FUCKIN outta here". Tommy used to be cool, but now he's just a tool.

  10. In my 1st band downstairs in our band room. I traded an Anthrax Spreading The Disease album for what I thought were hot chicks, I looked at one and said, I would love to kiss her, true story. That album was Poison. I'm still laughing about it.

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