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Trap Lore Ross

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50 thoughts on “The Trial of 6IX9INE

  1. This was a fascinating series! What an amazing job you’ve done!! —I especially like this look on you. You wear it well. (I also have to admit I was slightly distracted by your nipple hanging out of your orange jumper, but in a good way) 😉 👍🏻

  2. Yeah you’re speaking from a position of privilege. Wow…they made him do what he did huh, culture vulture. I really dislike that I like your content

  3. 6ix9ine went down a dark path, he’s not a good person, but he tried to redeem himself and ended up choosing himself over those who didn’t actually care for him. It’s a difficult situation but in the end, he did the right thing. He gets to wake up free and able to speak to those who genuinely look out for him, not with vultures that are waiting for him to fall over and die.

  4. You had me until the end. He genuinely enjoys pretending to b gangster. Look at him now, still in the same cycle of capping, taunting and getting beat by real gang members,

  5. did u actually use permanent dye on ur hair for this?? i can tell it isn’t a wig but the idea that u would dye ur hair rainbow just for one video is insane LOL but the colored actually looks pretty good on u

  6. He still a rat but I get why if those folks stealing 75% of his money. I would’ve done the same because if folks care about you they at least would leave you 60%

  7. Well this gave me a different perspective on the 69 thing. I still think he is a punk but he does seem like a punk with a heart.

  8. This is like my 5th time watching this..Every time Trap goes into the other room starting @ the mirror scene,then comes out lookin like 69 & spits his chiclets out,I die!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. After hearing about the Jax and Chiraq gang wars, calling this a gang war is disingenuous. This is more like a dispute on the real housewives lol.

  10. Honestly keeping in mind the good deed’s he’s done you cant ignore the SA on the 13 year old child, him selling drugs, putting hits on ppl. The good does not weigh out the bad he should have gotten more time, it would have been a good example to set. That example being dont play in the streets especially if yk you not ab it, dont talk mad/wild shit on ppl all on the internet. If the judge would have been looking more on the long run and not in the moment, he would have been able to give him reasonable time. Like ppl are acting as if he didnt do the things he did he needs to do real time, all that shows to the wannabe thugs is, that no matter how many shitty things you have done in the streets as long as you’ve done a couple of good deeds, and you’re ready to snitch on whoever whenever. You yourself will be without jail time. That is something that will never be ok, my condolences to all the families/kids/ppl hernandez has rudely impacted.

  11. Great video and I appreciated the actual story laid out like how I lay you can do. Amazing conclusion on this video dude. I know it’s an older video but I’m still finding gem after gem in this channel.

  12. whether any of the charity stuff he did was sincere or not, it happened. even if he paid for that year of rent for that family just for good PR, they still got the money. i think in the end that's all that really matters.

    i think this dudes music is terrible, but i'm a sucker for rap beefs and stuff like it. good ass video.

  13. This guy makes so much positives energy and going to traveling around the world for giving a children. Money, jewelry, books, toys, and biggest flying kites etc. So very beautiful and wonderful guys. Make a good man. What he can even be in real life? What he put in through into him? Comparision of 69 a great experience of talented young artists, rich kid, and playing the game. All of them. He is becoming a greatest successful of rapper in the world! Thank you! Have a bless day! Bye

  14. When he gets out of jail he's gonna have a lot of positivity and good to give to the world…

    Haa!! Ha!! Ha! ha! haaa! ha!! I 😂🤣😂🤣 NOT

  15. Long hair, with rainbow 🌈 going to jail. you look might cute their gay-way!! You want a black Mandingo. Or a Korean mushroom 🍄. Which one you take.

  16. I come here to watch your videos about Rap & UK drill as I'm from Peckham, went to school in Camberwell, Mum lives Walworth Rd so I have been avoiding these 6ix9ine videos as he does not interest me? I have ended up watching all 5 or 6 off them, such an interesting story. Plus your rainbow hair made me laugh! Have you been walking around the endz like that, lol, no seriously, very good & you have a new subscriber.

  17. Nah, he's frontin on all sides. He wanted to get big fast, sold his soul. Payment came due. He got lucky and skated by relatively unscathed compare to the others. He doesn't actually care so much as much as maybe his guilt created a hole and he dumped cash into it like most other areas of his life thinking it would balance things out.

  18. Looking back it’s crazy to think how Shottie was all up in 50 cents place acting like he was about to lose something. 50 coulda exposed all that shit and flipped 69 to his label and treyway couldn’t have done shit about it! Wild.

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