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Jared Freid, stand up comedian and podcast host, joined Are You Garbage to talk McDonalds orders and Fat Guy Moves!


Are You Garbage Clips

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Are You Garbage Clips

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20 thoughts on “Jared Freid: Fat Guy Moves – Are You Garbage Comedy Podcast Clip

  1. God forbid you gotta order through a drive thru or if you had to go inside like some kind of caveman. You gotta pull out your phone and hit the cashier with the fake “What did they want again? Hold on they texted me their order.” Like these underpaid overworked people give a FUCK about your 12,745 calorie lunch.

  2. Rookie numbers everyone knows you get the two sandwich breakfast coupon two chickie mcmuffs on top thats STANDARD for brekkie maybe even throw in another one of the cheap no egg sausage mcmuffs on top if you got grids on the coupon

  3. Ultimate fat guy move is buying burgers (plural) after work and pre gaming dinner on your way home and still eating a full dinner

  4. Personally I normally hate the what did you eat question. Depending on who's asking, i might offer them a stool sample and say- you figure it out!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. foley is hysterical
    on a side note. I clicked the video and I see Im no longer subscribed. Youtubes screwing you guys, I was definitely subscribed, so they removed my subscription. Its something Ive seen youtube do to different channels over the years so keep an eye out on your subscriber count and make sure they arent pulling any funny business. They did it to the townsends channel and a few others a while back and it got sorted out eventually.

  6. Tobi’s off screen laugh is up there with Nadav’s from YMH and Homeless Pimp’s from Hey Babe! As best off screen laugh
    Keep these clips coming, you’re doing great Luke!

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