With only a laptop computer, cell phone, toothbrush and the clothes on his back, Joseph Garner sets out to survive for 31 days solely on items gleaned from Craigslist.
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Sad to say ‘ if you was an African American this would never happen’ people don’t open up their doors to young black kids !! Let alone help them !! So my opinion it would only happen if you were white !! That’s the truth about America !! The whole 1:30 min and he didn’t run into not one black person
did you notice that !! How do you only see and ask white peoples for help !! Not one African American in this !! That’s funny 
Great story. I don’t think it would have gone as well if you were a black guy. You probably would have spent a lot of time dealing with the po-po, and there’s no way you’d be napping in a café. All of it would be different.
America is full of idiots but we are exceptionally kind and generous people
I was inspired to look for my own craigslist adventure after watching this, but all I found were hundreds of bot posts proclaiming "$100/ARTICLE WRITER NEEDED [REMOTE]" and people selling their used mattresses. Uhhh… no thanks.
I'm so happy I found this. This young man was the perfect person to do this experiment so humbling

so fake
Johnny Yurock the legend !
I traveled cross-country in my van by myself during the height of Covid… My story is called Postcards from Anytown USA on my channel. No camera crew and just Covid relief money and humanity.
Going with only someone to film the journey and having people be so great is really inspiring. I think people are just the worst too much of the time, but I needed to see this today. Thanks, friend
I haven't been moved by watching something in a long time, what a humbling fantastic experience
. I'm an isolator. It just goes to show you that we need each other. I think the person that struck me the most was the wonderful lady that was a former actress. You could tell she was just so lonely and really was reaching out for some human contact.
How many homeless people are out there maybe they should get a film crew and Craigslist and problem solved the solution to the homeless in western civilization maybe around the
This restored my faith in humanity! Very kind people
I came here after watching many videos about craigslist killers. Refreshing.
What an incredibly kind and thoughtful young man. His parents must be so very proud of the man they have raised. It is inspiring and hopeful. So glad I watched this.
So beautifully inspiring. Thank you Joe, for documenting the kindness of humanity. That said, I can't help but wonder if the experience of a young single female doing this would harness the same results of non exploitive kindness.
I fully enjoy this young man's adventures. In a world of today and all the troubles it's shows you there are still nice people out there who do really care. I was always earned about Craigslist scammers but now i tbink I take a peek now snd then. Great job.
Not since the days of hitchiking has anyone been as inspiring as this documentary. Looks like fun!!
Thx for being bold, wise, compassionate and willing to "live" than just to exist
I could do this in heartbeat!
'nice guys like me.' cringe
absolutely beautiful
what a humble journey
Jul 3, 2012 3:06 PM
Man Lives Off Craigslist for One Crazy Month in Craigslist Joe
He says no contact with anyone he knows and only contact with people he meets on Craigslist, 5 min in and he tells his people that if they want to talk to him just post something on Craigslist. Smh
wow sucha good vid
loved this video
Drop out Craigslist
No computer No phone No cash
Survival at its rawest , now that would be very real
What a beautiful adventure. I absolutely loved watching this story video. It touched my heart. It is amazing how others helped
you & you touched the lives of others too!
The lady in Seattle
beautiful voice.
Can anyone shed light on the artists/songs used on the soundtrack ?
Wow! Hands down one of the best documentaries I've ever seen!
This was inspirational
Awesome story Joseph
Nice, heartwarming docu. I hope that's the reality of things b/c it doesn't seem that way to me.
This restored my faith in humanity. Definitely some brave people out there to take in 2 strangers
Woah at 8:35 is that Tig Notaro?
How long ago did this happen?
Always wondered what E did after Entourage ended….
I loved this ♥️♥️♥️ Before Craigslist was modified ( I have so many stories of all the rideshares I took , peoples houses I stayed at , all the cool people who donated food , their trucks for me to move. Omg I got free flights to Florida , I loved Craigslist ♥️

aim glad I got to be a part of it back in the day
Remember one thing pay it forward.
Hey man, I cried , laughed and renewed my faith in
US. Humans.
Ur experience touched me in a special way. When I thought all was lost,
Am I the only one who expected to hear the song ‘Water’ from Family Guy at some point?
Amazing. The generosity and openness of people shows us that humanity has the ability to survive anything external factors can throw at us. What a great guy you are, Joe Garner! Thank you for making this. I hope the years since making this video have brought you everything you want.
This is an awesome documentary. However, it's easier to get help when it looks like you don't really need it. He looks like he is backpacking across America and filming a documentary while doing it. There are plenty of homeless people in California and across America who could never get this assistance.
I bet his mama was a nervous wreck for those 30 days. I know i would be.
What a cool documentary and young man. Well done Mr Garner. Here's to the human race!
Awesome documentary