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Filmed in 1996, this documentary follows pioneering personal blogger Justin Hall over the course of a pivotal, transformational year in his life and in the early life of the internet.

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20 thoughts on “Home Page: The Story Of The World’s First Blogger (Internet Pioneer Documentary) | Real Stories

  1. The next time someone complains about millennials, I'm going to point them in the direction of this film.

    These particular Boomers and Gen Xers are the most annoying, obnoxious people to ever exist. Yikes.

  2. People are trying to pin Justin’s personality based on his online persona or ambitions for the internet throughout this video. It’s funny that they don’t see the internet is just an extension he’s drawn to for it’s potential and his personal expression and not the other way around. Little did we know we will ALL be using the internet in ways that are extensions of our personality, and the way we use it is inherently an extension of our inner selves, just as loudly or vicariously, as in the case of the woman who found it more comfortable for her to express her feelings for her partner through the online forum she created. 19:15 Justin doesn’t dress the way he did/does for the internet, he dressed that way due to his personality and behavior, the internet was just a vehicle for more self-expression. 23:52 If one has a personality disorder, that manifests through all self-expression. At one point he predicts social media and reality shows, in a way 23:20 . I wonder if it’s anything like he imagined 😅

  3. Video unavailable

    The uploader has not made this video available in your country on your latest video 'Britain's Deadliest Kids Marathon (True Crime Documentary)' Real Stories………….I live in Britain so why hide a subject that is to do with us here? Getting sick and tired of you blocking videos in our country!….. No, an IP address blocker does not work.

  4. Love the old footage using the old computer, the same as I had … it was great when screens updated too…although they were still a very thick flat screen. Great for gaming expansion at that time too. This doco will go down in history guys, so deep and a huge timeline memory in there lives as young adult teens with great out of the box ideas…. It went off and has progressed to todays amazing media web sites complete….History for us baby boomers!

  5. I remember my 1st blogging, then how it turned into forums where you can join a particular topic that has become very active and questioning. It was great, I felt part of the world, as a person with a brain, my yearning ato communicate and share knowledge of amazing yet sometimes crazy life stories, events or knowledge of others lives, took me on a whole new discovery!
    That, showed how different we all are in personality, life experiences, teachings, upbringings, challenges, family and love life, children, aging parents, death, God, monsters, ufos, reptilians, government corruptness…etc:
    Many odd things and many wonderful gifts were exchanged. And yes there were dark areas that I never entered into….
    There were those I gravitated to, that had mostly my own philosophies. This was years ago around 2005? I learnt so much more about humans, how our races within the one human race is actually so big, and that many races right now are still today living in our past evolutionionary lifestyles, that we have already modernised from….
    Our Connectionial life exchanges of the Word’ Ying & Yang physical and emotional experience of life here, as well as astral travel nights’ and other more spiritually mediumship’s across our planet now, using LOVE to connect us all, our soul is definitely so vast.
    and how once we felt safe gave certain people our email and wow did I get some strange stuff from out there in the world!!

  6. I just looked this guy up to find out whatever happened to him. He ended up being involved with a bunch of tech startups and he runs a pot site now, that he built in '94, but didn't actually do anything with until 2017. Is anyone surprised?

  7. There isn't anything this guy or anyone else, for that matter, that I am interested in enough to care about. But, he has people who don't have enough going on in their own life!

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