David Ellefson opened up on his firing from Megadeth in a new interview and said Dave Mustaine held personal grudges and resentments against him. Megadeth released their latest album last year.
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Do you think Dave Ellefson should still be a member of Megadeth?
Limp bizkit need I say more …a couple years ago this neckbeard was hating them
It was not the allegations,dave already wanted to fire him
Trash move by Mustaine.
"No warning? No second chance?"
What's liquid death?
dude you got fired because they were about to drop an album and you were talking to an underaged female, REGARDLESS if you knew her age or not it looked AWFUL for megadeth as they were just about to drop an album.
It wasn't just that, by doing something like he did damage to the brand, especially in this day and age. Whether she was of age or not, that's still not the kind of image that's associated with Mustaine's band/corporation. How many big companies or corporations would keep someone on that negatively affect the image or connotations of said companies. It's a business, not just a band.
Resentment: that is what defines Dave Mustaine.
I'm glad I saw them back in the day on the So Far, So Good, So What? tour (2x's), and the Rust in Peace anniversary tour- that was Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax. I got to see Ellefson and Hanneman.
I maintain that Ellefson did nothing wrong. The girl was legal age, so who cares. Mustaine was just looking for any random reason to get rid of him.
I’m with Ellefson 100% on this. Always have been. But ‘it is what it is, it was was it was, and I set out to prove what it wasn’t’ ? Sorry but

Good to know that Dave Ellifson isn't bitter about being fired from Megadeath it's funny how mustaine can still talk about being fired from Metallica like it was yesterday and still feel pissed off about it when he did the same thing to Dave Ellifson in Megadeath good for Dave Ellifson I'm glad he's not bitter like the megababy Dave mustaine
This way mustaine gets more shares of the money.
Mustaine is a head case , great musician was great songwriter for Megadeth. As musician for Megadeth he peaked at Rust in Peace .
Mustaine is really just a prick. I've stopped listening to MEGADETH now. Can't stand the guy! He's still playing the fking victim from the 80s with Metallica!!
I can't believe how many people are defending this guy like he's the victim. He's a married man, who supposedly is also a devout Christian and he's on a webcam spanking it for a 19 year old girl? Yes he deserved to be fired. The fact that people are defending him makes me wonder about what they find acceptable morally. Apparently a lot of people think his actions were ok as long as he didn't get caught.
Look at Mustaine.. about getting justice.. and it following you your whole life.. that's Dave Mustaine.. his gripe about Metallica has been his whole life's work. And he seems miserable about it. Good on ya David. Moving on is best.
Kings of thrash is awesome.
Team David!!!
Meeting the group back in 88” autograph signing Dave Ellefson was the coolest. talking with fans wile Dave Mustaine wouldn’t even look or small talk with his fans . why ? i don’t know but he always has excuses . 2nd time around to Countdown to Extinction tour saw them again autograph signing Ellfeson was awesome
.Now Mustaine wouldn’t even look at most his supporters who help push their music in the early mid 80’s and 90’s sad isn’t it so now i wouldn’t even listen to anything unless Mr Ellefson is on it . that’s right he the bass player was always positive and friendly to his fans that probably why they the original Megadeth made it this far . But for Dave Mustaine ( the dog kicker )and bitter one of that group who always crying about something. never knowledge his own fans was always the negative one of the group. if i was to see him in person i wouldnt even give him the time of day to even say thank you for your un loyalty to your fans . he isn’t worth it any more . Dave Ellfeson stay positive Brother you will always have this old school Metal head’s support . Metal On
The Dave's I know! These are the Dave's I know…I know…..These are the Dave's I know!!
Dave M. Is as big of an asshole as James and Lars are they all deserve each other¥
"I'm entitled to a personal life and I didn't do anything to anyone" well except maybe your wife lol
he's weird…
David "it is what it is" Ellefson
Megadeth is shit nowadays anyway. Even this last album is exciting for the first 30 seconds then you just want to move to something else.
Don't forget his band "The Lucid"
Dave Mustaine's first two albums sucked, and Dave Mustaine is a bitter pile of crap, I was in an AA meeting with him in 2002 and he acted like he was better than everyone yet he was a junkie. David ellison is far more of a real man than Dave will ever be. and Mustiane has been crying like a little Bit## over being fired from Metallica for 39 years.
I found a megadeth CD in my big brothers room 1998 and i fell in love… I was 9 years old.
Ellefson, you screwed up. Your situation was untenable, Mustaine couldn't keep you in the band.
His new stuff is cool!
Ellefson had sexual grooming allegations. Mustaine seems like a hard guy to get along with. But Ellefson admitted to the sexual relationship but said no sex until she was of age. He deserved to get fired.
Im pretty sure he was fired for accusations
Damn there are some insufferable judgmental puritans in these comments! I thought it was forbidden to judge what consenting adults did in private. The girl involved came forward and made it clear that she was 18 and that SHE initiated it. Junior also passed a lie detector test for the Scottsdale police. Ellefson is not a "groomer" you prudes.
So Dave was waiting for a reason to kick him all this time? I feel like he regretted hiring back David the same day he made him sign the contract. Dave can’t move on from his 2 weeks in Metallica, so I’m certain he never moved on from getting sued by David. What an asshole

Makes great music but damn.
I thought Ellefson was supposed to be a Christian. So what's the story with fondling himself to a teenager on the internet and using lots of colourful language ?
David Ellefson " “I don’t even think about Megadeth anymore. I really don’t — I don’t think about it. That whole thing, to me, it’s dead to me, to be honest with you.”
Also David Ellefson : Keep talking about Megadeth and still plays Megadeth music for $
Btw, whatever happen to all his past projects? altitudes attitudes, F5, etc etc? That combat record thing?
It's great that Ellefson can be the bigger man in that situation
Just because she was an "adult" doesn't mean Ellefson isn't 40 years older. Don't use age and consent as an excuse for disgusting fantasies…
I am disappointed that Rock Feed allows such hateful and sick comments on their videos.
Mustaine was looking for a reason. Let’s face it: Lomenzo is making less than Ellefson was in the band, both times. Megadeth’s best music was with Ellefson, which Mustaine would never admit. The newest Megadeth album is mediocre. Now Megadeth is an OPENING BAND for Five Finger and The Misfits. They should be headliners, but they are not.
Yup…nothing to do with him going after a girl 1/3 his age, verbally attacking Mustaine in front of his Son, and suing Megadeth for millions…Mustaine just had a grudge…
Dude, I'm beginning to think Ellefson is worse than Mustaine with this type of stuff, he REFUSES to take any responsibility to what he did and how he ended up in his situation…