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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 The truck needed a new fuel pump as well so that’s why a bunch of the cow manure had to be cleaned, so the fuel tank could be dropped to replace the fuel tank.
0:25 The shop performed the emissions test.
0:32 The technician replaced the battery.
0:41 O-ring was not installed and the retaining clip was not installed on the fuel line, which caused the fuel line to leak.
0:52 Dog food left by a squirrel or mouse behind the trim panel.
1:04 The technician isn’t quite sure why the customer had this installed, but this could be pretty bad if the customer were to get in an accident.
1:10 No extra info. (Ford Fusion – Europe model).
1:21 The technician said the vehicle was a Chevrolet (did not mention the model).
1:32 The technician said the local quick lube left this on the oil filter when they installed it. Luckily the paper didn’t fall apart and got into the engine.
1:43 No extra info.
1:50 The technician recommended upper and lower ball joints as the other ones were about to break. The shop also had a used tire for the customer to save them some money. The customer thought they were trying to scam him so he drove away (from what I was told).
1:58 That’s a first!
2:06 Not sure who would do this, especially to a newer vehicle but to each their own.
2:15 The customer bought the vehicle like this a week prior.
2:24 Very common issue but surprisingly the customer didn’t notice this before purchasing the vehicle.
2:37 The customer had apparently thought this would be goodwill/warranted as the noise has been there since 2004.
2:47 The van was used for car detailing and had a water tank in the back. As mentioned the customer never mentioned anything about the smell which the mechanic was pretty surprised about.
3:02 “It’s a 1960 Amphicar made in Germany, it is an amphibious car, with 2 propellers in the back. The rudders are aftermarket, otherwise, everything else is stock. It has two transmissions, one which is a 4-speed manual transmission, and the other which is a simple forward & reverse transmission for the propellers. It has a 43 horsepower, 4-cylinder triumph engine (British built).”
3:18 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Thanks for watching!
How in the hell can people own and drive such disgusting cars?
The fact you finalize the video at the end with a nice build is awesome
How do you deal with all these idiots? My hat off to you!
When I was a kid there was an Amphicar that lived down the street from me! I always thought it was interesting, but now I realize it's INCREDIBLE. Wish I could have bought it….
the car fully loaded with trash all the way to the roof, they're paying for it with lower gas mileage.
its better on your wallet if you keep your car clean and empty. the more weight in the car the more energy it takes to move it and more stress on the brake pads to stop it.
that's why motorcycles get 40 – 140mpg. its basically and engine on wheels without much extra dead weight.
My father had one of those amphibious cars when they came out I was very young and I freaked out the first time we drove into they water. My father loved to fish and felt it was a way for home to fish on way home after work.
Seriously you do a great job of explaining some of the dashcam videos I see….

I used to get upset when a farm truck comes in and there’s cow crap that is still green and wet!
I have seen a caravan of 4 Amphicars here in Leesburg, Fl!
1:32 Should've been fourth key: "Remove this sticker."
Corona bottle mod is +25bhp min.
Me, who knows absolutely jack about cars watching any of these videos: "Oh yeah, this seems totally fine. And safe. Safe and fine and good. In no way is this a safety hazard to numerous people. (Oh god)"
Happy Fathers Day!!
The owner of the airbag recall car turned the airbag into a shrapnel bomb.
Fk some people are grubs!
oil change clip got me good.
I do my own oil changes, after a Dealership Technician put the wrong oil in my old Tundra, ultimately leading to the car being totaled out due to the engine damage.
The dealership denied it was their guy, but the oil filter still had the sticker on it with their logo.
Tell me, didn't you have an organization to check the cars for safety? Here in Germany we have the so-called Tüv, which checks every 2 years whether a vehicle is still safe enough to be allowed to drive. The number is not only that one endangers oneself but above all others who cannot help it. Somehow irresponsible to drive around like that.
@3:24 What water tank?
Amphicar may have been more successful if they hadn't rusted so badly.
1:58 Was there also a dog in the car? Hope there was, so it could be a Car-Carpet-Pet
Man, some people just don't get it at all.
You'd think if you're going to put a label on an oil filter telling the customer how to replace it, somewhere on there, they might have put, "REMOVE THIS STICKER BEFORE INSTALLING FILTER". The wrench monkey was just following directions
I bet the o-ring was installed perfectly…
2:04 I bet this car belongs to a furry.
Bullshit on so many of these.
Some real Ork Mekboys out there.
Sure this is a Mechanical Shop, you can take your truck to the Shit Cleaning Shop please.
So I firmly believe mechanics should be allowed to say I'm not getting into your car and not be punished for it
Could of just removed the airbag fuse.
heh heh, "car pet"
#1 and #3 should be "Technician refused to service" or "Labor rates tripled"
The carpet one really cracked me laughing
Bwahaha…. "4 and a half hours to clean". That's what the bill said, at least.
He heard the same windnoise for 19 years and just now wants to fix it? lmaooo
rip rsx
I bet taking the label off was not one of the three keys…
It's unbelievable how dirty some people are. Hygiene level is in the negatives
Not gonna lie, that carpet car was kinda dope lol
I remember seeing an Amphicar featured on Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts, was recently wondering what the name was! It was for crossing the Delaware.
Would love to know which countries a lot of these rusted out cars come from
"This whole car is covered in… carpet."
Well, now we know what people with carpeted bathrooms drive.
I don't understand how people can leave their cars like this… My Audi S3 is considered messy by me if any dust/debris on carpets or paint not shiny, wash it weekly or biweekly by hand. The second person looks to be living in his car though which is said