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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 The vehicle had a battery drain issue, where the battery kept going dead overnight. The technician fixed it and also replaced the battery.
0:17 This also happened in 2021 (this clip was filmed at the end of 2022).
More info here – https://www.thedrive.com/news/39794/rv-driver-annihilates-their-new-jeep-wrangler-by-flat-towing-it-in-4-low
This Jeep Wrangler needs approximately $25000 in parts & labor. Engine + transmission was mostly damaged since it was flat towed in 4LO and 1st Gear.
0:32 The turbo got replaced (customer paid). An expensive mistake for misplacing an air freshener.
0:47 The technician didn’t get more information regarding this, however, the customer’s insurance company towed it away as it was an older Honda Accord and needed a lot more than what it was worth. Must have been a big driveway…
1:00 The Hyundai Sonata can come with a “regular” suspension or “sport” suspension. The customer installed struts for the sport version), where the mounting for the sway bar links is different. So every time he turned the wheel it would snap the sway bar links. A good reminder to double-check your parts and make sure they match the old one’s you are taking off (unless there was an updated design by the manufacturer).
1:11 No extra info.
1:19 Renault (did not mention the model). The mechanic said this is the first time he has ever seen a vape cause this concern.
1:34 Hopefully the customer got new tires installed elsewhere. Those should not be driven on at all!
1:42 Forest Gump waving.
1:45 The shop removed it and told the customer that it was not safe to use at all.
1:53 All the repairs were done.
2:08 Engine oil dipstick is stuck between the oil pan and engine block. An important reminder to remove the dipstick when doing an oil pan reseal or replacement. The oil pan had to get removed and resealed.
2:15 Unfortunately the 2nd time we have seen this lately. The customer paid for the repairs.
2:27 Common to see on BMWs. Usually, pieces of the fan will lodge themselves into the hood. Fortunately, nobody was around and nobody was hurt.
2:35 Looks like the inner and outer tie rod end has been like this for a while since the welds are rusty.
2:45 The customer ran over something on the freeway which damaged the electric power steering rack, which they said sounded like an ELK.
2:56 I’ve had this happen once. Fortunately, I did the same as shown in the video. Thought it was funny to share as I’m sure some people can relate.
3:14 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Also a reminder that I may email you to ask you further questions or want to pay you for using your clip, so please check your email and spam folder lol.
Thanks for watching!
I had a customer yesterday that brought her son's car in to us and he's 3 years and 25,000 miles past due for an oil change. Over 2 quarts low on oil and it looks like muddy water to say the least. I'm no snitch so I told the boy to bring it to us asap for an oil change and to ask for the top treat from Valvoline to clean out that sludge or he'd be walking to his GF house.
Yeah the last one is very relatable alright!
Geeze, these idiots probably wear loafers, because tieing a shoe would be to damn complicated!
1:11 son has a drug problem lmfao
Wait wait wait. 1:15 .. How much was the carpet from a 90's Accord base model worth? not even new would be worth the labor to remove and sell. Kid was looking from some drugs he lost or something
Mind boggling dipshittery
And people wonder why insurance is sooo expensive.
The fan clutch exploding like that is a known issue on e46 bmws, had mine blow while driving, took out the rad and ripped up the heat shield stuff on the roof.
There's a market for used carpet from cars?
2:30 BMW owner forgets to pay their fan clutch subscription
Imagine some crackhead tryin to sell you the used, torn out carpet from his parents car cuz he needs his next fix lolol thats the goofiest shit ive ever heard of lol omg…
People living outside society’s norms and rules surprised when society doesn’t allow help them
The irony of the intoxicated guy driving all the way home is that that repair is cheaper than a DUI
Is there a big market for used Honda carpeting ?
The Beverly Hillbillies ride again!
this is a great channel, but as a retired truck driver and mechanic it pains me to watch it because people are so stupid!
40k rpm? seems a bit high
I fix transit buses. When the newest series get towed in, the tow truck driver pulls out the axles, then parks it in our barn in between rows of other buses. Good luck getting the axles back in, haha!
2:56 Haven't done that, but did have to make an "access hatch" in a wall to change the filter on an air handling unit that was drywalled into place by someone who didn't check to see how much room was required to open it!
That first "vehicle" should be impounded and towed away. THAT is unsafe for anybody on the road around it. Can't believe the law enforcement hadn't stopped him.
Can you please put me in contact with the guy who sent you the video of the vape pen interfering with the immobilizer?
"backing out of the driveway"
AKA "crashing"
sold carpet for crack or they killed someone and removed it.