Bam Margera released a statement after being arrested for allegedly assaulting his brother Jess Margera, drummer of CKY. Bam Margera denied the allegations against him through his attorney.
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Severe health issue or overdose awaiting
Surprised he's not dead already honestly, hope he sobers up for good.
When does he speak out? Or u just gonna blab away like a news reporter
N now hes witg his "gf" and her 8 year old
Get that chuld away from him. Bam bought her off.
He was doing better until Jackass dropped him I hope he wins that lawsuit!
Let me take a wild guess this is also going to be because Dunn died what 12 years ago or more?
He was staying with Methanie this whole time… seriously though I hope he gets some help and everything works out!
Who cares!!! Let him live how he wants. You could all give a care less about that homeless person on the corner who actually needs help and is asking for it!!!!
How is he not broke by now?
So we're just believing Jess when he said Bam has a meth addiction…? Jess is living in Bam's house for free, he has every reason to lie on Bam's name.
Bam deserves his freedom and go through recovery in his own time. No one deserves to have their rights taken away.
that's how I use my sink
He could always be a Steven Seagal stunt double
What's wrong with peeing in the sink if I flush it with water afterwards?
Lmfao its funny that anyone even allows Bams punk ass to beat them up
go look at every video of Bam fighting he's litterally equal to a 7th grade girl. Someone needs to beat his ass good.
A grown ass man walking around with a hood on and in sunglasses indoors is not a healthy person. The guy is strung out and everyone that he knows is trying to help him. There is only so much anyone can do to try and help the guy.
He is a loser
Too much Access to Excess…
Let me guess he was drunk and on drugs
Pro skater???
Bams rise to fame was from skating by jackass he was already well known from the cky videos he did woth friends and his brother….I remember meeting him at skatelab in Cali years ago before the drugs guy was chill and cool but then again he was still skating with element…jackass was the hard push that pushed him full blown into the moviestar struggles.
He's starting to look soooo much like his dad.
Hung around enablers too long who wanted to get rich by association.
Never was held accountable for actions when younger!!
Addiction, immaturity, always feeling he is the center of the universe, there's a lot of reasons for it. All of them are sad, but none of them are a good excuse. At some point, everybody is capable of accepting responsibility, some choose not to. The people making excuses for him I find strange. Are you 9 years old? Are you a 30-40 year old lifelong fan that also has substance abuse problems? I challenge you all to take responsibility for your own actions and stop idolizing people that don't.
You never come back from family lawyers
He just needs some jail time. He's be a horrible perosn to everyone arround him since Ryan Dunn's passing. I understand the pain, but that's no excuse to be an ass
Dude will die real soon…Jezuz
“You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself, like that makes it okay! You need to be better!”
Bam looks like a mexican uncle.
This MAN is a goof ball. Send him to jail to harden up. No accountability and drugs has this has been D-List celebrity lost in this world. If this tard fell off the face of the earth tomorrow nobody would notice
Im not trying to be mean, just honest..Bam is one ugly dude!

I can say that cuz im no Brad Pitt myself.