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AYG comedy podcast presents stand up comedian Reggie Conquest! It’s a fun podcast as they talk about the trashy way to go to …


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49 thoughts on “AYG Comedy Podcast: Reggie Conquest – Philly Trash

  1. I graduated HS in 2012 and EVERYONE showed up in a sick ass limo and I was with 3 Mexican chicks hot boxing one their dads Astro vans. It was great.

  2. Bro, I'm sorry, but taking your fucking sister to the prom is the most garbage thing I've ever heard of in my 36 years on this planet. H'wut?!

    I've NEVER heard of anyone going to the prom with their brother or sister. I think that's something people take to the grave. . . .

  3. You went to prom with your sister? YEA! That's a wrap, close the book. Then tries to defend it… close the browser. "Kissing cousins was super normal, I was fucking siblings!" – Reggie Conquest. Somewhat unrelated, I hope Gilly and Keeves featuring all these guys becomes the new MADtv or Chapelle show. They were great in the first season/pilot episodes. SNL snubbed a generational persona in Shane over a swing and a miss stand up joke. lol

  4. They need to adjust their questions based on the demo of their guest. Black culture is verrrry different, and genZ’s don’t get most of their questions/don’t apply. Like did you wear a tweety bird/Looney Tunes shirt would not apply.

  5. Listened to this as an audio episode, came back for the video because it was so amazing. You guys are the absolute best.

  6. Great episode. Reggie is a funny dude. On here and his appearance on No Need For Apologies, both were so funny.
    Love the show AYG. Keep the great guests coming 🍻🇬🇧

  7. @ 14:40 Reggie isn't wrong. I went with an all black group to prom and every single one of them came down the stairs to music lmao. The girl I took came down to Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool

  8. Did anyone tell y'all that you made it on Redbar the other day? It looked like y'all were doing a zoom call for Compound Media. Mike didn't seem to know who y'all were but he didn't say anything ugly about y'all. So congrats 👏

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