Are You Garbage is back with podcast host Joe Santagato! You know Joe Santagato from the Basement Yard Podcast, Idiots of …
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No way was Joe on here, thats awesome! TBY gang
There had to be something with the motorcycle accident where the motorcycle wasn't deemed 100% at fault
There is no scenario where someone is 'at fault' for an accident and receives a payout from the OTHER persons insurance.
Gotta have this guy back
Hey Arnold came out in 1996, Kippy wasn't too old for that. I'm an '85 kid and I used to watch it all the time.
Didn’t know who this queens trash was but 10 min in just the banter alone this guy can hang w kipster and fatso pretttytt decent

Jackie Jr jab from foley was under the radar
this is my favorite collab ever
when i worked at disney world in 2017 they told us during training that the average family of 4 spends $10,000 on a week long trip so i can only imagine how much the cost has gone up
My wife loves her Ember mug. My birthday is Halloween! 10-31-84 baby!!!!!
Great one! Love both podcasts!
A 1480 is a great score.
i just learned about this pod and had a thought that joe would be good here… and this popped up
You guys really are my favourite new podcast. Hope you guys blow up!
Algorithm Trash
"You strong"?
More like
"You good bro"?
That's garbage hahaha
Man I laughed so much during this. Joe Santagato rarely does other peoples stuff this is very good!
saying RADiator is so garbage
Foley with his notebook on each episode is so cute I love it!!
This is definitely my new favorite show
This was like watching a young Paul Virzi. This kid is classy.
get joey diaz on the pod soon! that would be epic, that man has stories for days
I'll tell you why Joe is hella garbage because he built up his YouTube channel making hilarious videos and then totally quit making videos because he wasn't having fun anymore . Now he just let's his channel sit and make money now posting a video a year to keep his channel active . Smart Lol Then started a new channel he does his podcast on which is OK (a lot of bathroom talk which is not for me its gross) he shines in making the idiots of the internet /Walmart videos (he said he didn't like being mean to people each week anymore) but the mad libs videos all so funny. Games with his siblings.
I hope he gets sick of the podcast and goes back to making videos.

(Internet news and They think we're dumb 

favorites. Oh and the poetry slams funniest videos on then internet. )
Hes so different now I could never picture him putting on a tangled awful wig to chat to strangers on omegal .this He should have a reunion bring Angela back for a omegal video. Ha what if he met up with Harry mack on there

Dude that gray sweatshirt is a very OG Queens look. I still have a few in my rotation.
Much love from Toronto!!
I rarely leave YouTube comments. You guys are fucking awesome! Kippy and Foley holding it down every single episode! And please for the love of God, get Joey Diaz on here
Get Jessica Kierson!!!!
The boyz in ATX soon…. Hope y’all are making a JRE appearance while in town.
#FREEAUNTTOTTIE. distant relative works at Coxsackie prison and tottie was In there shakin people down left and right
Guys, new fan here. I grew up in a shitty logging town called Eureka in Humboldt County. I want to be on the show and flip the script asking YOU two if you're Humboldt garbage.
I'm dead serious. I have a list of questions that will amaze you. Eureka is full of meth and weed, they actually made a documentary about the area because girls kept disappearing.
Let me know if interested. Love the show – Rob in San Diego.
>Working an angle over on PC Richard & Son with your landlord
Great podcast fellas! I can’t help but point out the Rubik’s cube in the background lol
Fire ep! Basement Yard is legit, Joey always brings comedy.
This kid is
ayg material , love the chemistry and all the riffin. Great job fellas.
You gotta sit and pee then. You guys are monsters
Boo this guy. He’s terrible guest.
you guys need to get joey diaz on your show. he is a cuban savage who currently resides in new jersey.
We have LIDL all over the UK and it's (I think, might be wrong cause the english usually are) pronounced Lid-ul, haha.
Another home run of an episode you bozos! You should look into getting the boys from Spittin Chiclets. Biz Nasty and RA are complete garbage.
I can't believe you clowns are making 30 g birds a month
Keep rakin it in fellas.
First time patreon supporter. Loving those hard feelings.
Great video!
This was the most New York bullshit banter. Im here for it. Love the podcast guys!!

I only watch for the ant tooty content!!
Just kiddin. Grew up havin milk with dinner in my house. Great podcast. Love it.
1:10:06 "I go no lights and I'm like a nervous rookie cop. I'm just.. I'm sprayin' the place." LMFAO jesus christ
Born in 87. Hey Arnold was everything
Did Foley dress like Cartman on purpose?
The show just gets better and better and better. Love youse guys
T Bone missed golden opportunity to ask him if his dad went to become a famous actor when he said he moved to North Carolina
this was a great ep real city kid with the boys thanks for another hitter
Is it garbage to always carry around a $2 bill in your wallet?
1:00:47 loveee the "yes!"