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Are You Garbage is back with a Kippy and Foley for a family episode to answer your garbage questions from Patreon. Its a fun …


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46 thoughts on “Are You Garbage Comedy Podcast: Jet Ski Repo w/ Kippy & Foley

  1. I used to have a beer bong that was as tall as me made with a ball valve. This is so I could pour about 5 in and let them sit until the foam calmed while hanging from a nail on my doorframe. This was so I could do them solo after work to start out a good evening.

  2. As far as the horse racing goes, you find a trainer at the racetrack who will work out a daily fee, you can expect to pay vet fees and dish out a couple bucks to get your custom jockey silks made. After that you go claim a horse right out of a race for anywhere from $5000, $7500, $10,000 $12,500 $15,000 and up all the way to $100,000. Best case scenario is you claim a horse and it finishes 2nd place so in theory you have a good shot at winning the same race next time as the first time owner. Then the horse is paying for its self and AYG syndicate is in the winner’s circle

  3. 20:01 Hey Foley, you can't have a go at the guys when they question something you say, especially considering you probably tell the truth maybe 50% of the time, and I love kippy's "I'm just askeeeeeeen!"

  4. LOL, Angela's Ashes is about a family's struggle during a time of poverty, anyone that thinks that book is trash is the ultimate BOZO! What a jerk off! Hahaha

  5. Yo my uncle used to slam a sixer of Sparks every day when I was a child, then would take my brother and I fishing haha. We thought nothing was wrong, then I realized in middle school Uncle A was an alcoholic

  6. i live up here in Nova Scotia and the boys had their own peewee team i'd be a season ticket holder and bring the whole trash fam to cheer on some grade 7s

  7. I'm happy I found this podcast. I follow alot of comedian pods & y'all literally make me crack up out loud by myself. I don't think any other ones do that much anymore. lol

  8. A regular dinner for me growing up, my mom would cut a hot dog in half length wise and put mashed potatoes and a slice of craft singles on it and cook it in the oven.

  9. I try to listen to as many comics podcasts as I can fit into my week. I listen to them fucking constantly. This one is legit the best podcast I listen to. They remind me of every bozo I grew up with in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Same accents too so it sounds like home. Keep it up, you two! Tell aunt Tuddy hello!

  10. The 45 dollar homie due to the fact that he overdrew his account is the definition of a truly garbage fan, welcome to the family you beautiful bozo!!!

  11. When Kippy said, “ Put you in a chariot, like the Coliseum”, I nearly pissed myself laughing! $10 Bozo here and proud of it👍🏼I’d lay a dime on Aunt Toody….maybe a little something else too😏

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