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40 thoughts on “Tommy G on Documenting The Craziest Hoods in America, The Kia Boys & More – No Jumper

  1. It's refreshing to sit down and watch a normal adult conversation that is educational and interesting. No Jumper should stick with this content. I'm sick of watching "Sharp the Pimp" screaming at prostitutes. Him and the rest of those "gangster thug" co-host arguing and talking about nothing but fucking hoes and gangbanging in the hood and shooting guns or whatever else they talk about which is extremely childish when coming from grown ass men.

  2. When Adam goes into the hood in his vlogs and Tommy does is two different things lol. Adam is securitied down out the ass lol

  3. Bro I’ve been watching this guy for days and never realized he had a no jumper interview. I almost commented on one of his recent vids when is the no jumper interview coming but Adam already did it

  4. I was prescribed fent at 17 years old I’m 32. The medical system has failed our country and the won’t ever pay. Money isn’t enough to fix what they have done. Gov is worse

  5. I was Tommy G’s RA in college lol. He was a solid and hardworking dude from day 1. Doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not and has a great work ethic. I wish my guy nothing but continued success. Crazy to think that he’s playing a pivotal part in showcasing an aspect of Milwaukee’s culture but he’s global too lol.

  6. Adam talking about tmz only posting bad stuff that people would gossip about that feminine boy this why I can't trust Adam because he gives walking contradiction vibes no jumper literally does the same

  7. this is the type of interviews adam should be doing at this point he seems genuiunly interested in the conversation and he looks bored in hiphop these days and hiphop doesnt even fuck with him these days lol

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