This is a look into the day in the life of podcasting (Intended for the 18 & over)
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Guys these past few months doing the podcast has truly been fun, I mean its really fun. Marty and I have been working non stop and its finally paying off. We got a few dope sponsors and great guests coming in, it doesn’t even really feel like a job honestly! We made this vlog to show you guys what else. Ive been doing beside cannabis content….if you haven’t watched any episodes check us out, I think you will love what you see
Again thank you all for the continued support…Have A Dope Ass Day
Thanks fore watching The Podcast Vlog : Dope As Usual
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man ik i always comment late, its cause im rewatching all the yola videos rn, Yola is my netflix
Its just incredible how hard he is working for his fans. Thats what makes him the best youtuber in my opinion. Love the content, its amazing, keep it up!!
bro your intro song is fucking dope
That mask looks tight as fuck
"Were not growing weed in here, were smoking weed"
Bro keep that grind up yola love you shit man
Yo I haven’t watched you in so long bc I quit smoking and watching you was my favorite pass time and I’m back to watching bc I’ve been going through a lot and I remembered how much watching your vids made me smile and that manscaped ad was hilarious like I haven’t laughed so hard in months
Hear me out dope as yola and snoop dogg smoke sesh podcast
gonna be a classic
Hair honestly better without jel
imagine putting kevin hart next to this bong lmao 0:10
Litertally left a like just for the manscape add
1:50 you read my mind lol glad I got a phone missed your videos

Hey bro jus sayin you should do a review on smart bud stg they fire asf bud and they’re organic,high thc level,garuntee it’s good gas
I dont understand why the podcast channel gets monetized but this channel doesn't? You are smoking weed over there just as much and the storys contain as much drugs and "crime". What is the difference for YouTube?
i meant the like button your stuff is awesome
if it was possible to like a video a million times i would
Omg "man scaped it's usually for your dick" had me laughing for harder than it should of
His cut was soooo good tho.
Ahhh, the day a famous person gets a podcast… I still remember when Ethan Klien, H3H3, got his podcast… good times… the beginning is always fun… then it either gets to you and destroys you, or you have a setback and need to retrace your steps… but no matter what, your subscribers will still be by your side…
If I didn't already own one I'd be sold
your name finally shows up when i search it
That Marty impersonation had me
Bro I just went to get on your website and it came up Dope as Yola one of the richest YouTubers
Can you please make mpre levo vids with rosie those were amazing and mabey a hotbox too!
I always hear your Podcast on my way to work in the train, always makes me have a better start in the day
Bro you should have rawog or xcodeh on the podcast
Bro idk how you do all the shit u do and do it so well I'm subd to all ur channels and now imma go sign up on ur website like literally never someone to do that stuff but I just can't help myself bro ur just too cool! Much love sent yo and keep up ur grind!
You convinced me man. Payed $100 for the performance package 4.0. Hella worth it. Love the videos man.
The haircut looks clean asf
I’m so excited for the goblin podcast
Made this account because they ask me to show a pic of my id just to watch your vids, hell no. Doesnt mean im gonna stop watching your vids tho
Like the content
Aye bro you should do a video if you haven't but on how you got the name Dope As Yola

YO when dose that podcast with goblin come out I just came from his channel big ups to you yola your chill af