Mudvayne fans will be very excited to learn that vocalist Chad Gray is currently in the studio working on Mudvayne’s first new music in over fourteen years.
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Been seeing these guys on and off ever since Barclay was with them. Been a long road, but these guys always killed it at shows.
Been seeing these guys on and off ever since Barclay was with them. Been a long road, but these guys always killed it at shows.
LD50 was 10/10, albums got progressively lamer over time. Hell Yeah absolutely sucks.
Not falling is my fav song! MUDVAYNE MUDVAYNE!!!!
HELL YEA BRO!! This is why this band spoke to my when I was a teenager !!!
Hopefully it's better than the last Three LPs before they broken up too bad they're no longer on Sony music entertainment anymore
Death blooms
Seen them with Ozzy and Zombie. Awesome band
Can’t wait. I just hope they keep the LD 50 sound
I absolutely love mudvayne
first time I heard them play, I was hooked! Been my favorite heavy metal band since.
God I hope this album delivers with at least one strong single. I am worried they will tarnish their reputation by releasing an uninteresting, unemotional record. I will purchase the record regardless but damn Mudvayne! Don't do this unless you truly have it!
Its truly a miracle that these guys got back together even if its temporary. I remember thinking that there would never be a chance of this happening and eventually just forgetting about it and here we are……looking forward to a new album.
Ill be at the Psycho Therapy Sessions home town show in Peoria, IL! Taking the wife, who loves them, but has never seen them live. Should be fuckin epic!!!! m /
I've been a HUGE fan of Mudvayne since… about 4 or 5 years ago when I was in high school when I first listened to LD 50, mate… I'm SO EXCITED to see MY FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME back, working on new music, and touring again!

I plan on going to the show in Irvine, CA in August!!! 

Hell yeah is great but Mudvayne is the best!
It's about damn time!
Went back to listen to first couple albums after this news and it sounds like it could have come out yesterday, still so fresh! Every album was an evolution, I remember when The End of All Things came out, I didn't like it at first because it was so different! Bands are still playing like Mudvayne to this day and once again they will set a new bar for everyone to try and reach! This is no doubt gonna SLAY and I cannot wait!
Mudvayne has only 1 show that matters. PEORIA ILLINOIS.
Omg I’m so excited.
Just saw pop evil last week, Monday I saw Static-X, dope, fear factory, got tickets for Atreyu, Mudvayne and Aftershock. Still have a few more concert tickets to get such as the Rob Zombie, Ghost and Disturbed tour.
I'm calling it…..Rap is dead!!!!!
Heavy ass vocs

that is so funking funny heavy vocal. Have they heard of brutal death metal. So funking funny.
Holy $%!#. First I hear new Foo Fighters music today, then get news of new Mudvayne music? All in one morning? Time to play lotto! This is so awesome!
looking forward to new music from mudvayne
YAAAAS!!!! I already have my tickets!
We know this
Yes! Come on come on come on come on comma come wit it now!!!$$$!!! YES!!! More Mudvaine!!!$$$!!!

that inkcarceration concert line up, looks nice!
There's a chance that this new album will be called destroy to recreate.
Finally some good news

Awesome news!!
Really excited for new mudvayne! Staind is my favorite band of all time and i love their new song
its perfect
I’ve actually just recently got back into their music and I was surprised they don’t have a lot of albums then I saw how much time Chad put into Hellyeah so I’m happy to hear Mudvayne being revived
I remember hearing 'Bwomp' on a free C.D with magazone in about 2001 and being like "wow this rules" been a fan ever since. Great to hear new stuff is coming, metal is and never will be dead

This news makes me
I'm super stoked for some new Mudvayne. Been a fan since the beginning.
Tony is cool as fuck. Seriously talented artist. Cool dude all around.
im assuming probably may 2023
Taproot is going to release a new album in over a decade come September
Now here’s a video worth watching. Never clicked a video so fast
14 years fuck I'm getting old
seems like yesterday I was 18 or 19 and hearing the Mudvayne album on my way to a Pantera, Soulfly, and Morbid angel concert…. shits insane and time goes way too damn fast
At first when saw the thumbnail I thought it was the Undertaker lol
The Band of 2000’s
Can’t wait for new Mudvayne
Even though personally I don't like Aaron Lewis I would LOVE new Staind music.
MuDvAyNe fuckkkk yeahhhh. All the band members are fkn awesome.