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Trap Lore Ross
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This whole time I thought he was talking bout Nigel Thornberry
2023 and he’s a homo thug
Africa Bambaata amd the NDA bit had me wheezing

I miss the Nigels. You should bring that shit back.
Glad Bobby is free and able to enjoy life now. We all slip up and have the capability to change our life's drastically.
Yall are an embarassment. He glorifies the stuff that's destroying your communities and yall praise him. Yall too stupid for anything to ever get better when yall lovin this type of shit.
IRRELEVANT IN 2023. One hit wonder.
I didn't bother watching the video. Bobby The Turd Shmurda rapped about selling crack to his community and murdering people right? And you stupid fucks get mad if a cop shoots you in self defense, but one of your own destroying your entire community with drugs and murder is something yall celebrate. Gotta be the stupidest fucking people on Earth.

damn he still got the hair

Ackquille, phonetically is “Ack-Keel” just so you don’t look stupid saying it.
Just say hot nigga lamo
tbh he coulda just said hot nigga…. but i can see he didnt want it to distract from the point of the video
Bobby never fell off he did his time and stood tall and even took time for his boy and came
Home and is still making m’s
Downfall??? Change that
“The Hot Nigel is a sex act where you say you’re gonna pull out and then leave it in for another three years” is the Greatest Sentence Ever
Out of all ur videos, you do this on Bobby. Lost a viewer.
this dude wack & he probably a industry legend of bobby smurfer propagater. They trying they hardest to paint the boy as a Don, a boss, a stand up dude. yeah right! if you pleaded during a conspiracy rap – YOU PROVIDED EVIDENCE. smurfer is just another industry pawn annnd I wouldn't be surprised if more murder follows his career. How he a lion when he dancing on a table? RIP Take off This dude look like a dingy bucket of Rainbow sherbet

my highschool put "about a week ago" on our senior t shirts. kinda gangsta bobby you was probably in prison at that time for killin
if your family has guns in their christmas crackers i’m coming over. cheers
Not the shot at Afrika Bambatta
Bobby & Rowdy are back and stronger this year in 2022. Especially Rowdy Rebel. He's a drill beats KILLA
You can say the N word round me Ross you stamped
I like that name Hot
trap lore ross is a fucking idiot the dope bobby was talking about Is WEED
You don't have to shoot mother fuckers in ny much any way…I pack mostly silverware up pull a fork out n chase after a.crack head with it n they get to getting boyyyyy…lolol…
That's bullshit!!! I feel for u shmurder…that gun shut wouldn't have happened if u stayed down here in Florida with um…..everyone knows I only leave shotties at the ny crib son…!!!!lol 4 real….u are allowed to have them….and with a folding stock there's no better weapon in ny….lol
Fuck I got more guns then that laying around my guest house .lmfa…lolol
I love how nonchalantly you were with the Tupac nuts being blown off reference I’m dying laughin!!

Oh I see now he was interacting with African bambata that's why he's fruity it makes sense now
Bruh you earned your pass you can say it
Money can buy you freedom if he was poor and not famous he would be doing life
I’m going to write and rap a song called “Hot Nigel” can I get a feature from you Ross? It wouldn’t feel right without you.
like your videos. need to let you know the fart jokes are a big miss. like the beats with the farts. idk who is laughing at that shit. im high as fuck and still didn't laught. L
Burn London
you are not even allowed to say nigel bro
The Comedy level in these videos have Improved x10
From Hot Boy, To Much Colder Boy" in the winters of New York
Hot boy Bobby Shmurda is a great guy
Man said nigels
Dropped this video way to early
I always wanted to know what happened to Corey finesse? He was a rapper affiliated with GS9