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In the late summer of 2010, 20-year-old Amber Guiboche was seen getting into a red truck with a lone male occupant in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and was never seen again. Her family had already been torn apart by the suicide of their mother. But Amber’s abduction drives them to search for answers and to support other families of MMIWG.

INTERVIEW SUBJECTS: Kyle Kematch (brother), Ashley Geddes (sister), Detective Sergeant Shaunna Neufeld (Winnipeg Police), Bernadette Smith (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s Family Advocate and Educator), Nahanni Fontaine (Special Advisor on Aboriginal Women’s Issues).

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35 thoughts on “The Abduction Of Amber Guiboche (Missing Woman Documentary) | Real Stories

  1. My ex was Cree and I feel certain taken in the 60s Scoop. The story was, his mother was a maid at 16 in the home of a White farmer, impregnated probably by this man, her child in substandard foster care, his future parents learning a baby was available for adoption, taking him from the foster home at about age 1 1/2.

  2. Wow, I used to next to the intersection of William/Isabel and had a bunch of shady experiences including strangers trying to lure me into cars at the same intersection.

  3. Is it just me or is the hostess's close on every episode just hideously ugly and not flattering and doesn't fit her. She chooses colors that don't look good on her. And this dress is just ugly and doesn't fit her well. I have seen her wear such ugly clothes on other episodes

  4. Everyone praying together will bring them answers. Let us pray to God and the Mother of our Earth, please, bring her home. Amen.

  5. I am so sorry you can’t find Amber and pray in my heart that the answers come. I do hope she is alive and living somewhere in good health and happiness. 🙏🏻💜💕😇

  6. "can't stop. won't stop." that's exactly how I felt when my little bother turned up missing. moved 6 hrs north back to my hometown in order to find him myself. at the time i finally learned he was an official m8ssong person, and he had already been missing for about 18months. id been estranged from my family for several years when i finslly got the news.. so…. 2 weeks before my uncle was due to show up and trailer my daughter and I north I got the call, an when the person was finally identified, just so happened it was him. at that point in time he had been missing for 2yrs almost to the day. we are so fortunate to have him home, and I realise that there are so many in the same sort of situation who don't EVER get their loved one back physically like I have- let alone get to find out what actually happened to them.! truly wish everyone in that same position as we had been at least have their minds somewhat put at ease…for instance, yes we were able to bring him home and give him a proper memorial, but he was only bones by the time he was found so no way to officially figure out his cause of death- even though it was more likely than not an overdose. questions like what was he doing there? and how did he get there? most importantly if he really did OD there then why wasn't his rig found near where his bones were found?!! which i find that quite odd because he would've needed that rig to essentially od ? more than likely these questions i will have to ponder until the end of my days. however at least the searching and wondering about different scenarios is done and over with and just for that alone i am so thankful for so please don't lose hope!! your Amber could be the next one to find her way home so she can finally be at rest exactly where she's supposed to be.

  7. just heartbreaking what this family is going through , not only lost there mum but now there sister is missing 🙁 there must of been cctv in the area amber got in that truck at the time surely ?

  8. Sad to hear about her disappearance because Amber is a very beautiful young girl and so young… Whoever is involved just return her to her family unless you are totally evil.

  9. You Looking for a NO Body for They made up The Guy that Picked her up Her Boyfriend Murdered her You been Looking in ALL the Wrong Places and the one you should have been Looking at Been Right under your Nose ALL this Time.

  10. Law enforcement and the media demonizes drug users and prostitutes yet give these ACTUAL violent predators a pass??!! How many of these violent criminals gone on to hurt many more people because society didn't want to put in the time to catch them because of their victims??!!! Enough already, crime and prostitution would drop dramatically if we decriminalized and regulated drugs. Someone can jump outta a plane taking their lives in their hands but the same person can't do drugs? Governments need to stop trying to be our parents, it's demeaning and unwanted and does much more harm than good.

  11. I feel this. My mom committed suicide in 2016 and my life has been extremely different and difficult since. This story is so sad 😢

  12. He obviously has ZERO understanding of women. Ain't no woman worth kidnapping. You'd be better off kidnapping a rabid wolverine. 😒

  13. a good deal of kids will experience w/drugs and alcohol,thats no reason to not look for them.let it be the cheif of polices, or a captains child they would be looking.stop placing emphasis on the kids behaviors and look at the sick B_____DS that take these kids.they r sick monsters.stop blaming the kids,these r grown azz adults who turn into sick monsters who kidnap,rape,kill r kids.

  14. This is so sad that women with background like this are not looked for. Society needs to change that, and the media of all resources SHOULD do something to give them a voice! That being said, there also needs to be a stance in their culture to stop the alcohol and violence that they are so familar with since babies. Resources for change need to be made available so this stops happening generation after generation! enough is enough! no one deserves that!

  15. whether she was a prostitute or not, she was still human being and somebody's sister and daughter💔 I think it's pretty crappy of the police to not investigate when it involves a certain lifestyle💔nobody can predict the future and nobody should judge anybody based on the situation that they're in life💔 life can turn around in the matter of a second and you never know what position you're going to be put in so before the police go judging who's more important to them maybe they should think that it might be one of their family members one day💔

  16. I'm so sick of hearing the negative traits of missing and exploited women.
    Having alcohol or drug issues isn't a reason to not search for them.

  17. Even if she were a prostitute you still have to locate them it's terrible if they degraded her and stop looking for her because she had a prostitute for Christ's sake

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