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In this video, we explore the story of how ex-Van Halen frontman Sammy Hagar bet each member of Metallica $100 that their fourth studio album, …And Justice for All, would go platinum. The album ended up being a massive hit, debuting at No. 6 on the Billboard 200 and going platinum nine weeks after its release. However, according to Hagar, only two members of the band have paid up on the bet.

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44 thoughts on “Sammy Hagar: Metallica Owes Me Money!

  1. First thing out of this guy's mouth was, "The Great Sammy Hagar….". That alone already shattered your credibility & integrity as a resourceful & respectable music news journalist. Introducing Hagar's name like that Immediately had me rolling my eyes back & left me with a negative smirk on my face. I'm thinking, "Settle down there pal, he ain't that great! 🤣😂😬.
    – especially if he's trying to collect a measly $100 cut of the money that an album that goes platinum brings. "Yo James man, can I get a couple o' Benjamin's, buddy?💵 You know, for old times sake! Please???"
    — James: What?!? I don't remember any bet like that! Besides, you said the bet was for $100, not $200.
    –Sammy: Well, I don't know WHAT happened to Jason, but him & his career are gone now, nobody is ever gonna see HIM again! & I figured, since YOU kicked him out, well you'd cover his debt to me for him, right?
    –James: HIS debt?!? No way dude, Jason QUIT man! At least that's what Lars told me… Go ask Lars why he's not in the band anymore. Maybe HE will give you some money. Get out of my face, loser!I ain't paying you shit!
    –Sammy: Unt-uh… Do you know what Lars made me do for the first $100 he gave me? ….Ugh! Just forget it then…😭

  2. Wrong!!! They were not on the And Justice tour. It was after the Mater of Puppets tour, but AJFA wasn't out. During their set on the Monsters of Rock tour Metallica played a new song which was Harvester of Sorrow. But again AJFA was not even out yet.

  3. Metallica were my favorite band in the 80s before the rest of the world discovered them and they started playing radio friendly commercial music, never would have thought that band would go mainstream in a million years.

  4. The tour was big but Metallica was already on their way to Platinum even without that tour. Every Metal head back then loved Metallica & they got bigger with every album.

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